hinese people always appreiate the purposes and priniples of lypi ideal, support the efforts of lypi aes to proote world peae. The hinese overnent and people are doin our the utost/best to prepare for the 200 lypi aes in Beijin, and shootin at the paeant with advoatin lypi ideal, sparkpluin world peae and enhanin the relationships aon the world. lypi spirit are onna spread aain in orient ultural anient hina.
The overnent and people of hina have always adired the purposes and priniples of the lypi spirit and supported the efforts ade by the lypis in prootin world peae. The hinese overnent and people are doin our utost in preparation for the 200 lypis in Beijin. It is our hope to ake it a rand atherin that will arry forward the lypi spirit, proote world peae and enhane the friendship aon people of the world, so that the lypi spirit will flourish one aain, this tie in hina, an oriental ountry with an anient iviliation.