

2024-06-09 03:36:01演讲稿


Hello, everybody! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. All riht, everybody o ahead and have a seat. How is everybody doin today? (Applause.) How about Ti Spier? (Applause.) I a here with students at Wakefield Hih Shool in Arlinton, Virinia. And we've ot students tunin in fro all aross Aeria, fro kinderarten throuh 12th rade. And I a just so lad that all ould join us today. And I want to thank Wakefield for bein suh an outstandin host. ive yourselves a bi round of applause. (Applause.)

I know that for any of you, today is the first day of shool. And for those of you in kinderarten, or startin iddle or hih shool, it's your first day in a new shool, so it's understandable if you're a little nervous. I iaine there are soe seniors out there who are feelin pretty ood riht now -- (applause) -- with just one ore year to o. And no atter what rade you're in, soe of you are probably wishin it were still suer and you ould've stayed in bed just a little bit loner this ornin.

I know that feelin. When I was youn, y faily lived overseas. I lived in Indonesia for a few years. And y other, she didn't have the oney to send e where all the Aerian kids went to shool, but she thouht it was iportant for e to keep up with an Aerian eduation. So she deided to teah e extra lessons herself, onday throuh Friday. But beause she had to o to work, the only tie she ould do it was at 4:30 in the ornin.

Now, as you iht iaine, I wasn't too happy about ettin up that early. And a lot of ties, I'd fall asleep riht there at the kithen table. But whenever I'd oplain, y other would just ive e one of those looks and she'd say, "This is no pini for e either, buster." (Lauhter.)

So I know that soe of you are still adjustin to bein bak at shool. But I' here today beause I have soethin iportant to disuss with you. I' here beause I want to talk with you about your eduation and what's expeted of all of you in this new shool year.

Now, I've iven a lot of speehes about eduation. And I've talked about responsibility a lot.

I've talked about teahers' responsibility for inspirin students and pushin you to learn.

I've talked about your parents' responsibility for akin sure you stay on trak, and you et your hoework done, and don't spend every wakin hour in front of the TV or with the Xbox.

I've talked a lot about your overnent's responsibility for settin hih standards, and supportin teahers and prinipals, and turnin around shools that aren't workin, where students aren't ettin the opportunities that they deserve.

But at the end of the day, we an have the ost dediated teahers, the ost supportive parents, the best shools in the world -- and none of it will ake a differene, none of it will atter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities, unless you show up to those shools, unless you pay attention to those teahers, unless you listen to your parents and randparents and other adults and put in the hard work it takes to sueed. That's what I want to fous on today: the responsibility eah of you has for your eduation.

I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself. Every sinle one of you has soethin that you're ood at. Every sinle one of you has soethin to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to disover what that is. That's the opportunity an eduation an provide.

aybe you ould be a reat writer -- aybe even ood enouh to write a book or artiles in a newspaper -- but you iht not know it until you write that Enlish paper -- that Enlish lass paper that's assined to you. aybe you ould be an innovator or an inventor -- aybe even ood enouh to oe up with the next iPhone or the new ediine or vaine -- but you iht not know it until you do your projet for your siene lass. aybe you ould be a ayor or a senator or a Supree ourt justie -- but you iht not know that until you join student overnent or the debate tea.

And no atter what you want to do with your life, I uarantee that you'll need an eduation to do it. You want to be a dotor, or a teaher, or a polie offier? You want to be a nurse or an arhitet, a lawyer or a eber of our ilitary? You're oin to need a ood eduation for every sinle one of those areers. You annot drop out of shool and just drop into a ood job. You've ot to train for it and work for it and learn for it.

And this isn't just iportant for your own life and your own future. What you ake of your eduation will deide nothin less than the future of this ountry. The future of Aeria depends on you. What you're learnin in shool today will deterine whether we as a nation an eet our reatest hallenes in the future.
