

2024-06-09 03:40:01演讲稿


barak obaa’s vitory speeh: hane has oe to aeria

if there is anyone out there who still doubts that aeria is a plae where all thins are possible, who still wonders if the drea of our founders is alive in our tie, who still questions the power of our deoray, toniht is your answer.


it’s the answer told by lines that strethed around shools and hurhes in nubers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, any for the first tie in their lives, beause they believed that this tie ust be different, that their voies ould be that differene.


it’s the answer spoken by youn and old, rih and poor, deorat and republian, blak, white, hispani, asian, native aerian, ay, straiht, disabled and not disabled. aerians who sent a essae to the world that we have never been just a olletion of individuals or a olletion of red states and blue states.

we are, and always will be, the united states of aeria.


it’s the answer that led those who’ve been told for so lon by so any to be ynial and fearful and doubtful about what we an ahieve to put their hands on the ar of history and bend it one ore toward the hope of a better day.


it’s been a lon tie oin, but toniht, beause of what we did on this date in this eletion at this definin oent hane has oe to aeria.


a little bit earlier this evenin, i reeived an extraordinarily raious all fro sen. ain.

sen. ain fouht lon and hard in this apain. and he’s fouht even loner and harder for the ountry that he loves. he has endured sarifies for aeria that ost of us annot bein to iaine. we are better off for the servie rendered by this brave and selfless leader.

i onratulate hi; i onratulate ov. palin for all that they’ve ahieved. and i look forward to workin with the to renew this nation’s proise in the onths ahead.


