

2024-06-09 03:38:01演讲稿


Hello, hiao!


If there is anyone out there who still doubts that Aeria is a plae where all thins are possible; who still wonders if the drea of our founders is alive in our tie; who still questions the power of our deoray, toniht is your answer.


It's the answer told by lines that strethed around shools and hurhes in nubers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, any for the very first tie in their lives, beause they believed that this tie ust be different; that their voie ould be that differene.


It's the answer spoken by youn and old, rih and poor, Deorat and Republian, blak, white, Latino, Asian, Native Aerian, ay, straiht, disabled and not disabled — Aerians who sent a essae to the world that we have never been a olletion of red states and blue states; we are, and always will be, the United States of Aeria.

无论年龄,无论贫富,无论民主党人或共和党人,无论黑人、白人,无论拉美裔、亚裔、印地安人, 无论同性恋、异性恋,无论残障人、健全人,所有的人,他们向全世界喊出了同一个声音:我们并不隶属 “红州”与 “蓝州”的对立阵营,我们属于美利坚合众国,现在如此,永远如此!

It's the answer that led those who have been told for so lon by so any to be ynial, and fearful, and doubtful of what we an ahieve to put their hands on the ar of history and bend it one ore toward the hope of a better day.


It's been a lon tie oin, but toniht, beause of what we did on this day, in this eletion, at this definin oent, hane has oe to Aeria.


I just reeived a very raious all fro Sen. ain. He fouht lon and hard in this apain, and he's fouht even loner and harder for the ountry he loves.

He has endured sarifies for Aeria that ost of us annot bein to iaine, and we are better off for the servie rendered by this brave and selfless leader. I onratulate hi and ov. Palin for all they have ahieved, and I look forward to workin with the to renew this nation's proise in the onths ahead.


I want to thank y partner in this journey, a an who apained fro his heart and spoke for the en and woen he rew up with on the streets of Sranton and rode with on that train hoe to Delaware, the vie-president-elet of the United States, Joe Biden.


I would not be standin here toniht without the unyieldin support of y best friend for the last 16 years, the rok of our faily and the love of y life,our nation's next first lady, ihelle baa. Sasha andalia, I love you both so uh, and you have earned the new puppy that's oin with us to the White House. And while she's no loner with us, I know y randother is wathin, alon with the faily that ade e who I a. I iss the toniht, and know that y debt to the is beyond easure.


To y apain anaer, David Plouffe; y hief strateist, David Axelrod; and the best apain tea ever assebled in the history of politis — you ade this happen, and I a forever rateful for what you've sarified to et it done.


But above all, I will never foret who this vitory truly belons to — it belons to you.


I was never the likeliest andidate for this offie. We didn't start with uh oney or any endorseents. ur apain was not hathed in the halls of Washinton —it bean in the bakyards of Des oines and the livin roos of onord and the front porhes of harleston.


It was built by workin en and woen who du into what little savins they had to ive $ and $10 and $20 to this ause. It rew strenth fro the youn people who rejeted the yth of their eneration's apathy; who left their hoes and their failies for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; fro the not-so-youn people who braved the bitter old and sorhin heat to knok on the doors of perfet straners; fro the illions of Aerians who volunteered and oranied, and proved that ore than two enturies later, a overnent of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished fro this earth. This is your vitory.


I know you didn't do this just to win an eletion, and I know you didn't do it for e. You did it beause youunderstand the enority of the task that lies ahead. Foreven as we elebrate toniht, we know the hallenes that toorrow will brin are the reatest of our lifetie — two wars, a planet in peril, the worst finanial risis in a entury. Even as we stand here toniht, we know there are brave Aerians wakin up in the deserts of Iraq and the ountains of Afhanistan to risk their lives for us. There are others and fathers. who will lie awake after their hildren fall asleep and wonder how they'll ake the ortae, or pay their dotor's bills, or save enouh for ollee. There is new enery to harness and new jobs to be reated; new shools to build and threats to eet and allianes torepair.


The road ahead will be lon. ur lib will be steep. We ay not et there in one year, or even one ter, but Aeria — I have never been ore hopeful than I a toniht that we will et there. I proise you: We as a people will et there.


There will be setbaks and false starts. There are any who won't aree with every deision or poliy I ake as president, and we know that overnent an't solve every proble. But I will always be honest with you about the hallenes we fae. I will listen to you, espeially when we disaree. And, above all, I will ask you join in the work of reakin this nation the only way it's been done in Aeria for 221 years — blok by blok, brik by brik, allused hand by allused hand.


What bean 21 onths ao in the depths of winter ust not end on this autun niht. This vitory alone is not the hane we seek — it is only the hane for us to ake that hane. And that annot happen if we o bak to the way thins were. It annot happen without you.


So let us suon a new spirit of patriotis; of servie and responsibility where eah of us resolves to pith in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but eah other. Let us reeber that if this finanial risis tauht us anythin, it's that we annot have a thrivin Wall Street while ain Street suffers. In this ountry, we rise or fall as one nation — as one people.


Let us resist the teptation to fall bak on the sae partisanship and pettiness and iaturity that has poisoned our politis for so lon. Let us reeber that it was a an fro this state who first arried the banner of the Republian Party to the White House — a party founded on the values of self-reliane, individual liberty and national unity. Those are values we all share, and while the Deorati Party has won a reat vitory toniht, we do so with a easure of huility and deterination to heal the divides that have held bak our proress.


As Linoln said to a nation far ore divided than ours, "We are not eneies, but friends... Thouh passion ay have strained, it ust not break our bonds of affetion." And, to those Aerians whose support I have yet to earn, I ay not have won your vote, but I hear your voies, I need your help, and I will be your president, too.


And to all those wathin toniht fro beyond our shores, fro parliaents and palaes to those who are huddled around radios in the forotten orners of our world — our stories are sinular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of Aerian leadership is at hand. To those who would tear this world down: We will defeat you. To those who seek peae and seurity: We support you. And to all those who have wondered if Aeria's beaon still burns as briht: Toniht, we proved one ore that the true strenth of our nation oes not fro the iht of our ars or the sale of our wealth, but fro the endurin power of our ideals: deoray, liberty, opportunity and unyieldin hope.


For that is the true enius of Aeria — that Aeria an hane. ur union an be perfeted. And what we have already ahieved ives us hope for what we an and ust ahieve toorrow.


This eletion had any firsts and any stories that will be told for enerations. But one that's on y ind toniht is about a woan who ast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the illions of others who stood in line to ake their voie heard in this eletion, exept for one thin: Ann Nixon ooper is 106 years old.


She was born just a eneration past slavery; a tie when there were no ars on the road or planes in the sky;

when soeone like her ouldn't vote for two reasons —

beause she was a woan and beause of the olor of her skin.




And toniht, I think about all that she's seen throuhout her entury in Aeria — the heartahe and

the hope; the strule and the proress; the ties we

were told that we an't and the people who pressed on with that Aerian reed: Yes, we an.




At a tie when woen's voies were silened and their hopes disissed, she lived to see the stand up and

speak out and reah for the ballot. Yes, we an.



When there was despair in the Dust Bowl and depression aross the land, she saw a nation onquer fear itself

with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of oon

purpose. Yes, we an.



When the bobs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a eneration rise to

reatness and a deoray was saved. Yes, we an.


She was there for the buses in ontoery, the hoses in Birinha, a bride in Sela and a preaher fro

Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall veroe." Yes,

we an.



A an touhed down on the oon, a wall ae down in Berlin, a world was onneted by our own siene and iaination. And this year, in this eletion, she touhed her finer to a sreen and ast her vote, beause after 106 years in Aeria, throuh the best of ties and the darkest of hours, she knows how Aeria

an hane. Yes, we an.



Aeria, we have oe so far. We have seen so uh. But there is so uh ore to do. So toniht, let us ask ourselves: If our hildren should live to see the next entury; if y dauhters should be so luky to live as lon as Ann Nixon ooper, what hane will they see?

What proress will we have ade?



This is our hane to answer that all. This is our oent. This is our tie — to put our people bak to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and proote the ause of peae; to relai the Aerian Drea and reaffir that fundaental truth that out of any, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are et with yniis,and doubt, and those who tell us that we an't, we will respond with that tieless reed that sus up the spirit of a people: Yes, we an.


Thank you, od bless you, and ay od bless the United States of Aeria.



“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so uh.


Toniht ore than 200 years after a forer olony won the riht to deterine its own destiny, the task of perfetin our union oves forward. It oves forward beause of you. It oves forward beause you reaffired the spirit that has triuphed over war and depression, the spirit that has lifted this ountry fro the depths of despair to the heihtsof hope. The belief that while eah of us will pursue our own individual dreas, we are an Aerian faily and we rise or fall toether as one nation and as one people.


Toniht in this eletion, you, the Aerian people, reind us while our road has been hard, while our journey has been lon, we have piked ourselves up, we have fouht our way bak, and we know in our hearts that the united states of Aeria – the best is yet to oe.


[heerin] I want to thank every Aerian who partiipated in this eletion [HEERIN] Whether you voted for the very first tie or waitin in line for a very lon tie. By the way, we need to fix that. Whether you pounded the paveent or piked up the phone. Whether you held an baa sin or a Roney sin, you ad your voie heard. And you ade a differene. I just ot off the phone with overnor Roney and I onratulated hi and Paul Ryan on a hard-fouht apain.


[HEERIN] We ay have fouht fierely, but it’s only beause we love this ountry deeply. And we are so stronly about its future.


Fro eore to Lenore to their son itt, the Roney faily has hosen to ive bak to Aerians throuh publi servie. And that is a leay that we honor and applaud toniht. [HEERIN] In the weeks ahead, I also look forward to sittin down with overnor Roney to talk about where we an work toether to ove this ountry forward. [HEERIN] I want to thank y friend and partner for the last four years, Aeria’s happy warrior, the best vie president anybody ould ever hope for: Joe Biden.


I want to thank y friend and partner of the last 4 years, Aeria’s happy warrior, the best Vie President anyone ould ever hope for: Joe Biden. And I wouldn’t be the an I a today without the woan who areed to arry e twenty years ao. Let say this publily, ihelle I have never loved you ore. I have never been prouder to wath the rest of Aeria fall in love with you too as our nation’s first lady.


Sasha and alia before our very eyes you are rowin up to beoe two stron sart beautiful youn woen, just like your o. And i so proud of you uys. But I will say that for now one do is probably enouh.


To the best apain tea and volunteers in the history of politis. The best. The best ever. Soe of you were this tie around. Soe of you were new this tie around and soe of you have been at y side sine the very beinnin but all of you are faily. No atter what you do or where you o fro here, you will arry the eory of the history we ade toether and you will have the life lon appreiation of a rateful president. Thank you for believin all the way, throuh every hill, throuh every valley. [applause] You lifted e up the whole way and I will always be rateful for everythin that you’ve done and all the inredible work that you’ve put in. [applause]


I know that politial apains an soetie see sall, even silly, and that provides plenty of fodder for the synis who tell us that politis is nothin ore than a ontest of eos or the doain of speial interests. But if you ever et the hane to talk to folks who turn out at rallies and rowded out alon a ropline in a hih shool y or saw folks workin late at a apain offie in soe tiny ounty far away fro hoe, you’ll disover soethin else; you’ll hear the deterination in the voie of a youn field oranier who is workin his way throuh ollee and wants to ake sure every hild has that sae opportunity. [applause]


You’ll hear the pride in the voie of a volunteer who is oin door to door beause her brother was finally hired when the loal auto plant added another shift. [applause] You’ll hear the deep patriotis in the voie of a ilitary spouse who is workin the phones late at niht to ake sure that no one who fihts for this ountry every has to fiht for a job or a roof over their head when they oe hoe. [applause] That’s why we do this. That’s what politis an be. That’s why eletions atter. It’s not sall, it’s bi. It’s iportant. Deoray in a nation of 300-illion an be noisy and essy and opliated. We have our own opinions, eah of us has deeply held beliefs. And when we o throuh touh ties, when we ake bi deisions as a ountry; it neisarily stirs passions, stirs up ontroversy.


That won’t hane after toniht and it shouldn’t . These aruents we have are a ark of our liberty. We an never foret that as we speak, people in distant nations are riskin their lives riht now just for a hane to arue about the issues that atter [applause] The hane to ast their ballots like we did today. 这些争论正是我们自由的基础,我们永远不会忘记我们说话的时候,许多国家的人民仍然在冒着风险,希望能够找到解决问题的方法,希望能够争取投票的权利。

But despite all our differenes, ost of us share ertain hopes for Aeria’s future. We want our kids to row up in a ountry where they have aess to the best shools and the best teahers. [applause] A ountry that lives up to its leay as the lobal leader in tehnoloy and disovery and innovation; with all the ood jobs and new businesses that follow, to live in Aeria that isn’t burdened by debt, that isn’t weakened by inequality. That isn’t threatened by the destrutive power of a warin planet. We want to pass on a ountry that is saved and respeted and adired around the world. A nation that is defended by the stronest ilitary on earth and the best troops this world has ever known. But also a ountry that oves with onfidene beyond this tie of war to shape a peae. That is built on the proise of dinity of every huan bein. 尽管我们有很多的分歧,大多数人都对美国有共同的希望,我们都希望我们的孩子能够上最好的学校,有最好的老师;我们的国家成为技术以及创新方面的领袖,并且创造更多的就业岗位和更多的企业。我希望我们的孩子不是负债累累,不会受到恐怖力量的威胁。我们也希望我们的国家是安全的,在全球受到尊重和羡慕,并且拥有全世界最强大、最优秀的军队。同时我们的国家也应该是充满信心的国家,结束战争,重塑人类的和平。

We believe in a enerous Aeria, in a opassionate Aeria, in a tolerant Aeria, open to the dreas of an iirants dauhter that studies in our shools and pledes to our fla. To the youn boy on the south side of hiao, who sees a liht beyond the nearest street orner. To the furniture workers hild in North arolina who wants to beoe a enineer or a sientist. And enineer or an entrepreneur. A diploat or even a president, that’s the future we hope for. That’s the vision we share, that’s where we need to o. Forward. That’s where we need to o.


Now we will disaree soeties fierely on how to et there, as it has for ore then two enturies, proress will oe in fits and starts, it’s not always a straiht line or a sooth path. By itself a reonition of our oon hopes and dreas won’t end the ridlok. r solve all our probles or substitute for the hard work of buildin onsensus. And akin the diffiult oproises needed to ove the ountry forward but that oon bond is where we ust bein. ur eonoy is reoverin, our deade of war is endin. A lon apain is now over. [applause] And whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you. I have learned fro you and you have ade e a better President. With your stories and your strules, I returned to the White House ore deterined and ore inspired than ever about the work there is to do and the future that lies ahead [applause]


Toniht, you voted for ation, not politis as usual. You eleted us to fous on your jobs, not ours. And in the oin weeks and onths, I a lookin forward to reahin out and workin with leaders of both parties to eet the hallenes we an only solve toether: reduin our defiit, reforin our tax ode, fixin our iiration syste, freein ourselves fro forein oil, we’ve ot ore work to do. 今晚,大家是为行动而不是为政治而投票,希望我们能够更关注你们的工作,而不是我的工作。在今后的几周,我将会与两党领袖会面应对我们的挑战,我们只能够共同应对挑战,减少我们的赤字,改善我们的移民体系,减少对外国石油的依赖,我们有很多工作要做。

But that doesn’t ean your work is done. The role of itien in our deoray does not end with your vote. Aeria’s never been about what ould be done for us, it’s about what an be done by us, toether, throuh the hard and frustratin but neessary work of self-overnent. That’s the priniple we were founded on.


This ountry has ore wealth than any nation, but that’s not what akes us rih. We have the ost powerful ilitary in history but that’s not what akes us stron. ur university, our ulture, are all the envy of the world but that’s not what keeps the world oin to our shores. What akes Aeria exeptional are the bonds that hold toether the ost diverse nation on Earth, the belief that our destiny is shared, that this ountry only works when we aept ertain obliations to one another and the future enerations so that the freedo so any Aerians have fouht for and died for oes with responsibilities as well as rihts, and aon those are love, and harity, and duty and patriotis. That’s what akes Aeria reat.


I a hopeful toniht beause I have seen that spirit at work in Aeria. I’ve seen it in the faily business whose owners would rather ut their own pay than lay off their neihbors, and in the workers who would rather ut bak their hours than see a friend lose a job. I’ve seen it in the soldiers who re-enlist after losin a lib, and in those SEALS who hared up the stairs into darkness and daner beause they knew their was a buddy behind the wathin their bak. I’ve seen it on the shores of New Jersey and New York where leaders fro every party and level of overnent have swept aside their differenes to help a ounity rebuild fro the wrekae of a terrible stor.


And I saw it just the other day, in entor, hio wehre a father told the story of his eiht-year-old dauhter who’s lon battle with leukeia nearly ost their faily everythin had it not been for health are refor passin just a few onths before. The insurane opany was about to stop payin for her are

I had an opportunity to not just talk to the father but eet this inredible dauhter of his, and when he spoke to the rowd listenin to that father’ story, every parent in that roo had tears in their eyes beause we knew that little irl ould be our own. And I know that every Aerian wants her future to be just as briht. That’s who we are. That’s the ountry I’ so proud to lead as your president.


And toniht, despite all the hardship we’ve been throuh, despite al lthe frustrations of Washinton, I’ve never been ore hopeful about our future

I’ve never been ore hopeful about Aeria. And I ask you to sustain that hope. I’ not talkin about blind optiis. The kind of hope that just inores the enority of the tasks ahead or the road bloks that stand in our path. I’ not talkin about the wishful idealis that allows us to just sit on the sidelines or shirk fro a fiht. I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thin inside of us that insists, despite all the evidene to the ontrary, that soethin better awaits us so lon as we have the ourae to keep reahin to keep workin, to keep fihtin.


Aeria, I believe we an build on the proress we ade and ontinue to fiht for new jobs and new opportunity and new seurity for the iddle lass

I believe we an keep the proise of our founder. The idea that if you’re willin to work hard, it doesn’t atter who you are or where you oe fro or what you look like or where you love, it doesn’t atter if you’re blak or white or Hispani or asian, or native Aerian, or youn or old, or rih or poor, able, disabled, ay or straiht, you an ake it.


I believe we an siee this future toether. Beause we are not as divided as our politis suest. We’re not as ynial as the pundents believe. We are reater than the su of our individual abitions. And we reain ore than a olletion of red states and blue states. We are and forever will be the United States of Aeria. With your help and od’s rae, we will ontinue our journey forward. And reind the world just why it is that we live in the reatest nation on Earth.Thank you, Aeria. od bless you. od bless these United States.” [HEERIN]



R. BAA: Thank you. Thank you so uh. Vie President Biden, r. hief Justie, ebers of the United States onress, distinuished uests, and fellow itiens:


Eah tie we ather to inauurate a president, we bear witness to the endurin strenth of our onstitution. We affir the proise of our deoray. We reall that what binds this nation toether is not the olors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the oriins of our naes. What akes us exeptional – what akes us Aerian – is our alleiane to an idea, artiulated in a delaration ade ore than two enturies ao:

每一次我们集会庆祝总统 就职都是在见证美国宪法的持久力量。我们都是在肯定美国民主的承诺。我们重申,将这个国家紧密联系在一起的不是我们的肤色,也不是 我们信仰的教条,更不是我们名字的来源。让我们与众不同,让我们成为美国人的是我们对于一种理念的恪守。200多年前,这一理念在一篇宣言中被清晰阐述:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all en are reated equal, that they are endowed by their reator with ertain unalienable rihts, that aon these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”


Today we ontinue a never-endin journey, to bride the eanin of those words with the realities of our tie. For history tells us that while these truths ay be self-evident, they have never been self-exeutin; that while freedo is a ift fro od, it ust be seured by His people here on Earth. The patriots of 1776 did not fiht to replae the tyranny of a kin with the privilees of a few or the rule of a ob. They ave to us a Republi, a overnent of, and by, and for the people, entrustin eah eneration to keep safe our foundin reed.

今天,我们继续着这一未竟的征程,架起这些理念与我们时代现实 之间的桥梁。因为历史告诉我们,即便这些真理是不言而喻的,它们也从来不会自动生效。因为虽然自由是上帝赋予的礼物,但仍需要世间的子民去捍卫。1776年,美国的爱国先驱们不是只为了推翻国王的暴政而战,也不是为赢得少数人的特权,建立暴民的 统治。先驱们留给我们一个共和国,一个民有、民治、民享的政府。他们委托每一代美国人捍卫我们的建国信条。

For ore than two hundred years, we have.


Throuh blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword, we learned that no union founded on the priniples of liberty and equality ould survive half-slave and half-free. We ade ourselves anew, and vowed to ove forward toether.


Toether, we deterined that a odern eonoy requires railroads and hihways to speed travel and oere; shools and ollees to train our workers。


Toether, we disovered that a free arket only thrives when there are rules to ensure opetition and fair play.


Toether, we resolved that a reat nation ust are for the vulnerable, and protet its people fro life’s worst haards and isfortune.


Throuh it all, we have never relinquished our skeptiis of entral authority, nor have we suubed to the fition that all soiety’s ills an be ured throuh overnent alone. ur elebration of initiative and enterprise; our insistene on hard work and personal responsibility, these are onstants in our harater.


But we have always understood that when ties hane, so ust we; that fidelity to our foundin priniples requires new responses to new

hallenes; that preservin our individual freedos ultiately requires olletive ation. For the Aerian people an no ore eet the deands of today’s world by atin alone than Aerian soldiers ould have et the fores of fasis or ounis with uskets and ilitias. No sinle person an train all the ath and siene teahers we’ll need to equip our hildren for the future, or build the roads and networks and researh labs that will brin new jobs and businesses to our shores. Now, ore than ever, we ust do these thins toether, as one nation, and one people.

我们也理 解,时代在变化,我们同样需要变革。对建国精神的忠诚,需要我们肩负起新的责任,迎接新的挑战。保护我们的个人自由,最终需要所有人的共同努力。 因为美国人不能再独力迎接当今世界的挑战,正如美国士兵们不能再像先辈一样,用**和民兵同敌人(法西斯主义与共产主义)作战。一个人无法培训所有的数学 与科学老师,我们需要他们为了未来去教育孩子们。一个人无法建设道路、铺设网络、建立实验室来为国内带来新的工作岗位和商业机会。现在,与以往任何时候相 比,我们都更需要团结合作。作为一个国家,一个民族团结起来。

This eneration of Aerians has been tested by rises that steeled our resolve and proved our resiliene. A deade of war is now endin. An eonoi reovery has beun. Aeria’s possibilities are liitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries deands: youth and drive; diversity and openness; an endless apaity for risk and a ift for reinvention. y fellow Aerians, we are ade for this oent, and we will seie it – so lon as we seie it toether.

这一代美国人经历了危机的考 验,经济危机坚定了我们的决心,证明了我们的恢复力。长达十年的战争正在结束,经济的复苏已经开始。美国的可能性是无限的,因 为我们拥有当今没有边界的世界所需要的所有品质:年轻与活力、多样性与开放、无穷的冒险精神以及创造的天赋才能。我亲爱的同胞们,我们正是为此刻而生,我 们更要在此刻团结一致,抓住当下的机会。

For we, the people, understand that our ountry annot sueed when a shrinkin few do very well and a rowin any barely ake it. We believe that Aeria’s prosperity ust rest upon the broad shoulders of a risin iddle lass. We know that Aeria thrives when every person an find independene and pride in their work; when the waes of honest labor liberate failies fro the brink of hardship. We are true to our reed when a little irl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the sae hane to sueed as anybody else, beause she is an Aerian, she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of od but also in our own.

因 为我们,美国人民,清楚如果只有不断萎缩的少数人群体获得成功,而大多数人不能成功,我们的国家就无法成功。我们相信,美国的繁荣必须建立在不断上升的 中产阶级的宽阔臂膀之上,我们知道美国的繁荣只有这样才能实现。只有当每个人都能找到工作中的自立与自豪时才能实现。只有当诚实劳动获得的薪水足够让家庭 摆脱困苦的悬崖时才能实现。我们忠诚于我们的事业,保证让一个出生于最贫穷环境中的小女孩都能知道,她有同其他所有人一样的成功机会。因为她是一个美国 人,她是自由的、平等的。她的自由平等不仅由上帝来见证,更由我们亲手保护。

We understand that outworn proras are inadequate to the needs of our tie. We ust harness new ideas and tehnoloy to reake our overnent, revap our tax ode, refor our shools, and epower our itiens with the skills they need to work harder, learn ore, and reah hiher. But while the eans will hane, our purpose endures: a nation that rewards the effort and deterination of every sinle Aerian. That is what this oent requires. That is what will ive real eanin to our reed.

我们知 道,我们已然陈旧的程序不足以满足时代的需要。我们必须应用新理念和新技术重塑我们的政府,改进我们的税法,改革我们的学校,让我们的公民拥有他们 所需要的技能,更加努力地工作,学更多的知识,向更高处发展。这意味着变革,我们的目标是:国家可以奖励每个美国人的努力和果断。这是现在需要的。这将给 我们的信条赋予真正的意义。

We, the people, still believe that every itien deserves a basi easure of seurity and dinity. We ust ake the hard hoies to redue the ost of health are and the sie of our defiit. But we rejet the belief that Aeria ust hoose between arin for the eneration that built this ountry and investin in the eneration that will build its future. For we reeber the lessons of our past, when twiliht years were spent in poverty, and parents of a hild with a disability had nowhere to turn. We do not believe that in this ountry, freedo is reserved for the luky, or happiness for the few. We reonie that no atter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us, at any tie, ay fae a job loss, or a sudden illness, or a hoe swept away in a terrible stor. The oitents we ake to eah other – throuh ediare, and ediaid, and Soial Seurity – these thins do not sap our initiative; they strenthen us. They do not ake us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that ake this ountry reat.

我们,人民,仍然认为,每个公民都应当获得基本的安全和尊严。我 们必须做出艰难抉择,降低医疗成本,缩减赤字规模。但我们拒绝在照顾建设国家的这一代和投 资即将建设国家的下一代间做出选择。因为我们记得过去的教训:老年人的夕阳时光在贫困中度过,家有残障儿童的父母无处求助。我们相信,在这个国家,自由不 只是那些幸运儿的专属,或者说幸福只属于少数人。我们知道,不管我们怎样负责任地生活,我们任何人在任何时候都可能面临失业、突发疾病或住房被可怕的飓风 摧毁的风险。 我们通过医疗保险、联邦医疗补助计划、社会保障项目向每个人做出承诺,这些不会让我们的创造力衰竭,而是会让我们更强大。这些不会让我们成 为充满不劳而获者的国度,这些让我们敢于承担风险,让国家伟大。

We, the people, still believe that our obliations as Aerians are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. We will respond to the threat of liate hane, knowin that the failure to do so would betray our hildren and future enerations. Soe ay still deny the overwhelin judent of siene, but none an avoid the devastatin ipat of rain fires, and ripplin drouht, and ore powerful stors. The path towards sustainable enery soures will be lon and soeties diffiult. But Aeria annot resist this transition; we ust lead it. We annot ede to other nations the tehnoloy that will power new jobs and new industries – we ust lai its proise. That is how we will aintain our eonoi vitality and our national treasure – our forests and waterways; our roplands and snowapped peaks. That is how we will preserve our planet, oanded to our are by od. That’s what will lend eanin to the reed our fathers one delared.

我 们,人民,仍然相信,我们作为美国人的义务不只是对我们自己而言,还包括对子孙后代。我们将应对气候变化的威胁,认识到不采取措施应对气候变化就是对我 们的孩子和后代的背叛。一些人可能仍在否定科学界的压倒性判断,但没有人能够避免熊熊火灾、严重旱灾、更强力风暴带来的灾难性打击。通向可再生能源利用的 道路是漫长的,有时是困难的。但美国不能抵制这种趋势,我们必须引领这种趋势。我们不能把制造新就业机会和新行业的技术让给其他国家,我们必须明确这一承 诺。这是我们保持经济活力和国家财富(我们的森林和航道,我们的农田与雪峰)的方法。这将是我们保护我们星球的办法,上帝把这个星球托付给我们。这将给我 们的建国之父们曾宣布的信条赋予意义。

We, the people, still believe that endurin seurity and lastin peae do not require perpetual war. ur brave en and woen in unifor, tepered by the flaes of battle, are unathed in skill and ourae. ur itiens, seared by the eory of those we have lost, know too well the prie that is paid for liberty. The knowlede of their sarifie will keep us forever viilant aainst those who would do us har. But we are also heirs to those who won the peae and not just the war, who turned sworn eneies into the surest of friends, and we ust arry those lessons into this tie as well. 我们,人民,仍然相信持久的安全与和平,不需要持续的战争。我们勇敢的士兵经受了战 火的考验,他们的技能和勇气是无可匹敌的。我们的公民依然铭记着那些阵 亡者,他们非常清楚我们为自由付出的代价。明白他们的牺牲将让我们永远对那些试图伤害我们的势力保持警惕。但我们也是那些赢得和平而不只是战争的人们的后 代,他们将仇敌转变成最可靠的朋友,我们也必须把这些经验带到这个时代。

We will defend our people and uphold our values throuh strenth of ars and rule of law. We will show the ourae to try and resolve our differenes with other nations peaefully – not beause we are naïve about the daners we fae, but beause enaeent an ore durably lift suspiion and fear. Aeria will reain the anhor of stron allianes in every orner of the lobe; and we will renew those institutions that extend our apaity to anae risis abroad, for no one has a reater stake in a peaeful world than its ost powerful nation. We will support deoray fro Asia to Afria; fro the Aerias to the iddle East, beause our interests and our onsiene opel us to at on behalf of those who lon for freedo. And we ust be a soure of hope to the poor, the sik, the arinalied, the vitis of prejudie – not out of ere harity, but beause peae in our tie requires the onstant advane of those priniples that our oon reed desribes: tolerane and opportunity; huan dinity and justie.

我们将通过强大的军力和法制保护我们的人民,捍卫我们的价值观。我们将展现试图和平解决与其它国家分歧的勇气,但这不是因为我们对面临的危险持幼稚的态 度,而是因为接触能够更持久地化解疑虑和恐惧。美国将在全球保持强大的联盟,我们将更新这些能扩展我们应对海外危机能力的机制。因为作为世界上最强大的国 家,我们在世界和平方面拥有最大的利益。我们将支持从亚洲到非洲、从美洲至中东的民主国家,因为我们的利益和良心驱使我们代表那些想获得自由的人们采取行 动。我们必须成为贫困者、病患者、被边缘化的人士、异见受害者的希望来源,不仅仅是出于慈善,也是因为这个时代的和平需要不断推进我们共同信念中的原则: 宽容和机遇,人类尊严与正义。

We, the people, delare today that the ost evident of truths – that all of us are reated equal – is the star that uides us still; just as it uided our forebears throuh Senea Falls, and Sela, and Stonewall; just as it uided all those en and woen, sun and unsun, who left footprints alon this reat all, to hear a preaher say that we annot walk alone; to hear a Kin prolai that our individual freedo is inextriably bound to the freedo of every soul on Earth.

我们,人民,今天昭示的最明白的事实是——我们所有人都是生而平等的,这是 依然引领我们的恒星。它引领我们的先辈穿越纽约塞尼卡瀑布城(女权抗议事件)、 塞尔马(黑人权力事件)和石墙骚乱(同性恋与警察发生的暴力事件),引领着所有的男性和女性,留下姓名和没留姓名的人。在伟大的征程中,一路上留下足迹的 人。曾经听一位牧师说,我们不能独自前行。马丁-路德-金说,我们个人的自由与地球上每个灵魂的自由不可分割。

It is now our eneration’s task to arry on what those pioneers bean. For our journey is not oplete until our wives, our others, and dauhters an earn a livin equal to their efforts. ur journey is not oplete until our ay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly reated equal, then surely the love we oit to one another ust be equal as well. ur journey is not oplete until no itien is fored to wait for hours to exerise the riht to vote. ur journey is not oplete until we find a better way to weloe the strivin, hopeful iirants who still see Aeria as a land of opportunity; until briht youn students and enineers are enlisted in our workfore rather than expelled fro our ountry. ur journey is not oplete until all our hildren, fro the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalahia to the quiet lanes of Newtown, know that they are ared for, and herished, and always safe fro har.

继续先辈开创的事业是我们这代人的任务。直到我们的妻子、母亲和女儿的付 出能够与她们的努力相称,我们的征途才会结束。我们的征途不会终结,我们要让同性 恋的兄弟姐妹在法律之下得到与其他人同样的待遇。如果我们真正是生而平等的,那么我们对彼此的爱也应该是平等的。我们的征途没有结束,直到没有公民需要等 待数个小时去行使投票权。我们的征途不会结束,直到我们找到更好的方法迎接努力、有憧憬的移民,他们依旧视美国是一块充满机会的土地。直到聪颖年轻的学生 和工程师为我们所用,而不是被逐出美国。我们的征途不会结束,直到我们所有的儿童,从底特律的街道到阿巴拉契亚的山岭,再到康涅狄格州纽镇安静的小巷,直 到他们得到关心和珍视,永远避免受到伤害。

That is our eneration’s task – to ake these words, these rihts, these values – of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – real for every Aerian. Bein true to our foundin douents does not require us to aree on every ontour of life; it does not ean we will all define liberty in exatly the sae way, or follow the sae preise path to happiness. Proress does not opel us to settle enturies-lon debates about the role of overnent for all tie – but it does require us to at in our tie.

那 是我们这一代的任务——让生存、自由和追求幸福的言语、权力和价值切实体现在每个美国人的身上。我们的立国文本没有要求我们将每个人的生活一致化。这并 不意味着,我们会以完全一样的方式去定义自由,沿着同样的道路通向幸福。进步不会终止几个世纪以来一直纠结的关于政府角色的争论,但这要求我们现在就采取 行动。

For now deisions are upon us, and we annot afford delay. We annot istake absolutis for priniple, or substitute spetale for politis, or treat nae-allin as reasoned debate. We ust at, knowin that our work will be iperfet. We ust at, knowin that today’s vitories will be only partial, and that it will be up to those who stand here in four years, and forty years, and four hundred years hene to advane the tieless spirit one onferred to us in a spare Philadelphia hall.

目前是由我们决策,我们不能拖延。我们不能 将绝对主义当作原则,或者以表象代替政治,或将中伤视作理性的辩论。我们必须行动,要意识到我们的工作并不完 美。我们必须行动,意识到今天的胜利是并不完全的。这些将有赖于未来4年、40年或是400年致力于这项事业的人,去推进当年在费城制宪会议大厅传承给我 们的永恒精神。

y fellow Aerians, the oath I have sworn before you today, like the one reited by others who serve in this apitol, was an oath to od and ountry, not party or fation – and we ust faithfully exeute that plede durin the duration of our servie. But the words I spoke today are not so different fro the oath that is taken eah tie a soldier sins up for duty, or an iirant realies her drea. y oath is not so different fro the plede we all ake to the fla that waves above and that fills our hearts with pride.

我的美国同胞,我今天在你们面前宣读的誓词,如同在国会山服务的其他人曾宣读过的誓词一样,是对上帝和国家的誓词,不是对党派或是派别的,我们必须在任期 内忠实地履行这些承诺。但我今天宣读的誓词与士兵报名参军或者是移民实现梦想时所宣读的誓词没有多少差别。我的誓词与我们所有的人向我们头顶飘扬的、让我 们心怀自豪的国旗所表达的誓言没有多大差别。

They are the words of itiens, and they represent our reatest hope.


You and I, as itiens, have the power to set this ountry’s ourse.


You and I, as itiens, have the obliation to shape the debates of our tie – not only with the votes we ast, but with the voies we lift in defense of our ost anient values and endurin ideals.


Let eah of us now ebrae, with solen duty and awesoe joy, what is our lastin birthriht. With oon effort and oon purpose, with passion and dediation, let us answer the all of history, and arry into an unertain future that preious liht of freedo.


Thank you, od Bless you, and ay He forever bless these United States of Aeria.

