

2024-06-09 03:54:01演讲稿

Brilliant Future reen hopes

reen-olored sunshine shinin thouh soft leaves, all the reen days in the rowth rins' tellin leend to the future and the past. These reen hopes in the lypi rins are just like war hus and brilliant haloes under the blue sky of Beijin. As the 29th lypi ae whih is held in Beijin is oin up soon, every itien in our ity is a essener of reen lypi, we love our ity and are ore and ore about our environent. In those lovely silin fae, I' touhed deeply for all the efforts we ake. I an see the rassland is reener; the blue sky is beautiful and lean, and every little tree is rowin happily in war and entle breee. This is y hoetown, this is beautiful Beijin, and there plae the reen lypi hopes on.

Thinkin about a few years ao, when I saw the taxonoi dustbin in our ounity for the first tie, the reen lypi ade no differene in y ind. I just rearded it as an interestin way to sort arbae. But when a few days later I raised y hands hih up and was eaer to be a eber of "the ounist Youth Leaue's EPD roup", I told yself firly, "It's a reat way to ake ontribution to the 200's Beijin." aybe this is why I have that uh passion on this reat ation. In the followin onths, we have ativities suh as pikin up all the plasti thins whih are surrounded our shool toether with our teaher. We were all very exited about this eaninful thin. We also set up speial dustbins for used batteries, so that we an both pollute less and reyle ore. When seein all the plastis and the batteries were arried on the truk whih was oin to the reyle fatory to handle these thins, we were all very happy about it. Everyone forot all the hardness. To let the drea of" reen Beijin" oe true, all of us should ive a hand. "I've do soethin reat for you Beijin," What a reat sentene!

And at the sae tie, the ations of protetin the environent are oin on, too. y father haned all the taps in y faily into savin-water ones, and all the water we use are reyled for at least 2 or 3 ties. I always an hear this ad on RI, it says, " illion hildren died eah year, just for the drinkin water." So, help us to ake the world safer. Althouh y ations are rather sall, but I think with all of you uys help, there will be a stron power.

The olor reen ives the lypi ae a deeper eanin, reen is in flowers, rasslands and in trees; reen is in the sky, in the earth and in the sunshine. But to y opinion, reen's also in our inds, in our siles and in the reat love.

ne in an ativity whih was to plant trees for the ounity, every planter ot a ard to han out on the tree with writin a few eaninful words. Do you know I have written what? That is:

"Happy rowin!"

"Happy rowin!" To every little tree in our reen dreas.

"Happy rowin!" To The hanin Beijin!

"Happy rowin!" To The reen lypis bud in every itien's heart! It'll turn out sweet 3 years later in 200!
