

2024-06-11 19:10:01演讲稿

nature is our other

by tan yin(谭英 湖南大学)


let e bein y speeh with a replay of senes failiar to ost, if not all, of those present here today.

"u, i' sorry, but i need 3,000 yuan for y tuition this year."

"u, it is y friend's birthday toorrow, i ust buy her a present."

"u, this jaket was out of fashion lon ao, would you do e a favor? "

take. take. take. the relationship between a other and a hild always sees to follow suh a pattern. i know y other is always there for e, providin e with everythin i need; fro food to lothin, fro tuition to poket oney. i never thouht twie about all she did until one day she said, "will there be a tie that you'll say you have taken enouh fro e? "

like a hild endlessly askin, we huans, throuhout history, have been ontinually deandin what we desire fro nature. we enjoy the ofort and beauty of our furniture, yet we never bother to think about the serious soil erosion aused by deforestation. we take it for ranted that we ust war ourselves in winter ties, yet we seldo realie the burnin away of preious natural resoures. we appreiate all the prosperity fro the developent of odern industry, yet few would ive the slihtest onsideration to the lobal air and water pollution aused by industrial wastes. our ruthless exploitation has peranently ipaired our other earth. as we traially learned fro last suer's floods. we annot ontinue our arelessness.

finally, standin here at the threshold of the 21st entury, we annot help thinkin of our posterity. nature is not only the other of the present eneration, but also the other of the enerations to oe. how severely our desendents will ritiie us if we leave the a barren and lifeless other? how uh ore they will appreiate us if we ive the a world of harony to inherit? let us start respetin and arin for nature fro now on. let us start the apain of reatin a utually benefiial relationship between people and nature riht fro this oent. with this new start, i firly believe, that our hildren, and our hildren's hildren will live in a brand new ae of reen trees, lean air, rystal water, blue sky and an even ore proisin world!








