

2024-06-11 19:04:01演讲稿

how to lose weiht

it sees that any people today are overweiht. no one wants to arry around extra pounds, lout few people know how to slu down effetively. they look for irale pills and ai ures. in the end, they fail and the pounds oe bak. but the ost effetive way of losin weiht is atually very siple. it is a obination of a ood diet and proper exerise. what akes it work is deterination. it requires disipline and oitent to sueed. here is an exaple that proves the truth of these words.

y aunt had been tryin to lose weiht for years. she went on one diet after another, but none of the worked. she lost a lot of weiht quikly only to have it oe bak. finally, she followed her dotor's advie and bean to eat a siple, well-balaned diet. she ate lots of fruits and veetables and avoided hih-fat foods. in addition, she joined an exerise lass. she worked out three ties a week. at first, y aunt wasn't happy beause the weiht ae off so slowly. but her lassates enouraed her to stik to it and eventually she reahed her oal. best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weiht. that was beause she had developed healthy new habits.



