

2024-06-10 18:02:01演讲稿

ur new president Xi Jinpin ae up with the drea of the hinese nation's rejuvenation on Deeber 29, 2012. He said: the hinese drea is a drea of national strenth prosperity and people's happiness. ur people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better eduation, ore stable jobs, ore inoe, reater soial seurity , better edial and health are, iproved housin onditions and better environent,They want their hildren to row well, have ideal jobs and lead a ore enjoyable life. To eet their desire for a happy life is our ission."

He also expounded his views of realiin our reat drea. He said: To realie the drea, hina ust take the road of soialis with hinese harateristis. The ountry ust also foster the hinese spirit,in whih patriotis and the spirit of refor and innovation play a ore role, and unite 1.3 billion people of all ethniities into a reat soure of strenth.

I always ask yself what an I do for our reat hinese drea ? As we all know that the wiser the youths are ,the wiser the nation will be;the wealthier the youths are ,the wealthier the nation will be;the stroner the youths are ,the stroner the nation will be. Here the word wealthy eans: enrihin our knowlede reserve. As a new eneration of siene, every one here shoulderin the reat historial ission of akin hina powerful and stron. You ay say that this ay exaerate our role, but I want to say you are wron. If I a a little srew our reat drea ay be a ultifuntion and oplex ahine. Throuh this exaple I just want to say I a very tiny but I a indispensable .

President Xi also said: We ust ake persistent efforts, press ahead with indoitable will, ontinue to push forward the reat ause of soialis with hinese harateristis, and strive to ahieve the hinese drea of reat rejuvenation of the hinese nation.We are loser than in any other tie of history to the oal of rejuvenatin the hinese nation. We are ore onfident and apable of ahievin this oal than in any other period of history,"

I believe that as lon as all of our university students unite toether and perfor our own funtions that study hard in shool and work hard after we raduatin fro university . we ust be able to ahieve our reat drea eanwhile enrih ourselves unwittinly! lets us unite toether to realie hinese nation's reat rejuvenation to strule!



Drea is beautiful, it is the botto of y heart the ost beautiful expetations, so the drea also beoe our lon-held beliefs. And y drea is to let y ountry beoe stron.

The various kinds of produts in deliate hinese stores, inns and shops inevitably have the sin of “ade in hina”。 Even if soe people do not speak Enlish, after viewin plenty of those oods, are apable of identifyin this hih-frequeny phrase.

When r. Xu entioned “ade in hina” durin soial siene lass when explainin onepts, he solely referred to this phrase and wished it ould beoe “Desined by hina” in the future in a reretful voie. However, when I heard his words, y heart thuped. It is indeed true that at present, ost of the isellaneous oods are ade in hina instead of desined by hina. For instane, soe of y pens have the label of “Desined by Korea ade in hina” .

I still reeber the indination fro y heart last tie when I saw the news that a nuber of ultinational opanies ade use of the low standard of “ade in hina” to produe illeitiate produts. Fro that on, I have a drea. I have a drea that one day those pitiable “ade in hina” labels an transfer into “Desined by hina” or even “hina patent tehnoloy”。 Thouh I a neither a professional enineer, nor a sophistiated desiner, I a only a student who has no speialied knowlede about invention. Nevertheless, I always have the drea that there will be less “ade in hina” and ore “Desined by hina”。

Without ations, deterinate an only be reote dreas enerated fro y ind. I said to yself silently, only when I take ations an the dreas beoe loser to fats. For instane, I should be ore foused when havin siene lass, should take soe inventive extraurriular ativities, should know ore about lifetie stories of renowned inventors should be an ative observer, should suest others to at. Throuh these ways, the dreas are ore likely to beoe less reote and the pitiful “ade in hina” are ore likely to diinish.

Unonsiously, I think of the abstrat word “patriotis”。 Soe “patriots” resist the onsuption of Japanese produts. Soe “patriots” daae Japan anufatured ars. Soe “patriots” ake huiliatin IFs about Japan. Soe “patriots” attak ountries that do not adit the hina’s sovereinty of Diaoyu Island. The exaples are endless. At their points of view, these are deonstrations of patriotis. Nonetheless, these ations ay be too ipulsive. Probably, it is a better way that we an earn respet fro forein nations via akin hina a ore powerful ountry in ters of eonois politis.

I do not know. But in y heart, I have a fir belief that other ountries an respet hina enuinely fro the hane of “ade in hina” to “Desined by hina”.

Finally,I want to say: We are the hope of our otherland, we should inherit the tradition of exellene, strive to advaned ountry ontributes own strenth. Here, I have a kind of inartiulate touhed and proud.I for the onstrution of the hinese people feel proud, proud of theselves as part of this reat ountry!



ood afternoon ladies and entleen, today y topi is “y Drea,hinese Drea”.

Drea, is a beaon of your life; drea, is your better vision; drea, is you ideal wins; and havin dreas, you will have a future.

“Now, everybody was disussin the hinese drea, I think, realiin the reat rejuvenation of the hinese nation, is the reatest drea of the hinese nation sine the odern tie?the words are laied by Xi Jinpin. This is the eneral seretary of Xi jinpin ?s hinese drea. But as a onteporary ollee students, what is our hinese drea? an we dare to drea?

The answer is yes. We ollee students have no dare not drea, we not only need to bravely drea, but also hard to drea! As we all know, the hihest honor of the nursin field is et the Nihtinale prie. Eah of years hina had ore or less people otten this honor. Whenever I see the tie that they wearin a silver edal and holdin flowers standin on the podiu to ettin applause and lory, I ouldn't help of iain yself standin on the stae like the in future, that ould be how lorious. This is y drea, y drea of Nihtinales.

And I, a new era of ollee students, I a proud of y drea, proud of our otherland. When the drea into reality, in a era whih let the youth realiin their ideal, I believe y drea will be realiin in the near future!

Finally, I would like to invitin all of yours, please streth out your hands, let us applause to ahieve the drea of toorrow!
