

2024-06-10 17:34:01演讲稿

we deep in the years to write a lorious. In lobal view shows hoie of the hinese road of national rejuvenation; onentrated panoraa in history."

Around the illenniu hane, eventful years, hinese new entury, reat turnin point, span, the future of six thee, reflets hina's reat ahieveents sine 140,

arduous and tortuous road of revitaliation of the nation and the hinese people ade in hina under the leadership of the ounist party. The "shok" "exited" tears ""……

This is y wath, taste riht is felt when disourse. Proess of readin and rejuvenation of the reat,

I reviewed the history of the hinese nation 100 years the drea of power and unreittin exploration. Full and aurate historial data, anifient oentu, a lanuae, a preious historial pitures,

shows a piture of the world national revival.



Innovation Hello, ladies and entleen. It’s reat to be here. First of all, thanks for your oin. Toniht, what I a onna talk about is innovation. Who an tell e what is innovation? We all know that, sine 197, hina has been throuh the reatest hanes brouht by the refor and openin-up. So what we an see fro the refor and openin-up? The power of innovation. That’s why I a here. I a here to show you y hinese drea. I want to talk about the future and how we're oin to win it. If we want to ake innovation. But firstly, we should ake sure that hina is a plae where we an ake it if we try, where we an o as far as hard work and bi dreas will take us. We understand that it’s not oin to be a akewalk, this opetition for the future, whih eans all of us are oin to have to do our best. We are oin to have to win the future by bein sarter and workin harder and workin toether. Innovation is the spirit of our ountry, the otive fore for our ountry’s prosperity. Sparkin the iaination and reativity of our people, unleashin new disoveries -- that's what hina will do better than any other ountry on Earth. Fro the oent we have a new idea, we an explore it;

We an develop it with a researh rant;

We an protet it with a patent;

We an arket it with a loan to start a new business. We’ve ot a hain that takes a reat idea all the way throuh. We ust be onfired that, today, the hallenes we fae are real. They are serious and they are any. They will not be et easily or in a short span of tie. But we will soehow find a way to overoe the diffiulties. y ajor is XXX. y job is to disover or reate new drus for any diseases like aner. You know that laboratory is the plae where irales happen. Believe it or not. What I do an save illions of people’s lives. For a lon tie, what hallenes e is how to oerialie researh. You oe up with a reat idea, but ovin that new disovery fro theory to pratie or fro the lab to the arketplae, that's really a bi job. That’s what we should fous on. We need to at with a sense of ureny-to study and work and reate as if the fate of the ountry depends on us-beause it does. It depends on us. Thank you!



hina Drea, with eah one of us. Drea is beautiful, it is the botto of y heart the ost beautiful expetations, so the drea also beoe our lon-held beliefs. Drea is the sun, it akes people fro ipetuous to solid, fro the hesitation to the fir, and on the road to suess. Drea is powerful, it is the life soure of forward oentu;

Lofty dreas an inspire a life all potential. Beause of this we will o to drea, to rasp the drea, the pursuit of dreas. ur new president Xi Jinpin ae up with the drea of the hinese nation's rejuvenation on Deeber 29, 2012. He said: the hinese drea is a drea of national strenth prosperity and people's happiness.

ur people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better eduation, ore stable jobs, ore inoe, reater soial seurity , better edial and health are, iproved housin onditions and better environent, They want their hildren to row well, have ideal jobs and lead a ore enjoyable life. To eet their desire for a happy life is our ission." I always ask yself what an I do for our reat hinese drea ? As we all know that the wiser the youths are ,the wiser the nation will be;the wealthier the youths are ,the wealthier the nation will be;the stroner the youths are ,the stroner the nation will be. Here the word wealthy eans: enrihin our knowlede reserve.

As a new eneration of youth , every one here shoulderin the reat historial ission of akin hina powerful and stron. You ay say that this ay exaerate our role, but I want to say you are wron. If I a a little srew our reat drea ay be a ultifuntion and oplex ahine. Throuh this exaple I just want to say I a very tiny but I a indispensable . I believe that as lon as all of our youn people unite toether and perfor our own funtions that study hard in shool and work hard after we raduatin fro university . We ust be able to ahieve our reat drea eanwhile enrih ourselves unwittinly! y drea, our drea, to iprove the hinese drea.

Let us unite toether to realie hinese nation's reat rejuvenation to strule! To you the day of y dreas to realie, is standin at the tie of hina.
