

2024-06-09 02:50:01演讲稿

knowin the onsequenes of hoie

over the past sprin festival, i ot involved in a faily dispute. riht before i ot hoe, four satellite hannels of tv were added to the 14 hannels we had already had. in prie tie at niht, they all had interestin shows. therefore, the five of us-y parents, y sisters and i-had to arue over what to wath. finally, we areed that we should wath the "ost interestin" prorae... if we

ould aree what that was.

however, all of us there reeber that for a lon tie after we had tv, there were only one or two hannels available. the inrease in options reveals an iportant hane in our life: the abundane of hoie.

fifteen years ao we all dressed in one style and in one olour. today, we selet fro a wide variety of desins and shades.

fifteen years ao, we read few newspapers. today, we read enlish newspapers like the hina daily and the 21st entury, as well as various hinese newspapers.

fifteen years ao, enlish ajors took only ourses in lanuae and literature. today, we also study western ulture, journalis, business ouniations, international relations, and oputer siene.

the eerene of hoies arks the beinnin of a new era in hina's history; an era of diversity, of aterial and ultural rihness, and an era of the rebirth of the hinese nation.

we enjoy the abundane of hoie. but this has not oe easily.

about 10 years ao, hina was fored to open up its door by western anons and unboats. it has been throuh the strule and sarifie of enerations that we finally have ained the opportunity to hoose for ourselves. the poliy of refor and openness is the hoie that has ade all the differene.

like others of y ae, i' too youn to have experiened the tie when the hinese people had no riht to hoose. however, as the next entury draws near, it is tie to ask: what does hoie really ean to us youn people?

is hoie a ae that relies on hane or luk? is hoie an epty proise that never aterialies? or is hoie a pule so diffiult that we have to avoid it?

first, i would like to say: to hoose eans to lai opportunities.

i a a third-year enlish ajor. an iportant hoie for e, of ourse, is what to do upon raduation. i an o to raduate shool, at hoe or abroad. i an o to work as a teaher, a translator, a journalist, an editor and a diploat. atually, the syste of utual seletion has allowed e to approah alost every areer opportunity in hina.

indeed, this is not oin to be an easy hoie. i would love to work in suh bi ities as beijin or shanhai or shenhen. i would also love to return to y hoetown, whih is intiate, thouh slihtly lain in developent. i would love to stay in the oastal area where life is exitin and fast-paed. i would also love to put down roots in entral and western hina, whih is underdeveloped, but holds

reat potential.

all of these sound ood. but they are only possibilities. to those of us who are bewildered at the abundane of opportunities, i would like to say: to hoose eans to aept hallene.

to us youn people, hallene often eeres in the for of opetition. in the next entury, opetition will not only oe fro other ollee raduates, but also fro people of all aes and of all oriins.

with inreasin international exhanes, we have to fae rowin opetition fro the whole outside world. this is allin for a hiher level of our personal developent.

fifteen years ao, the knowlede of a forein lanuae or of oputer operation was onsidered erely an advantae. but today, with wider eduational opportunities, this sae knowlede has beoe essential to everyone.

iven this situation, even our sallest hoies will require reat wisdo and personal deterination.

as we ain ore initiative in hoie akin, the onsequene of eah hoie also beoes ore iportant.

as we ain ore initiative in hoie akin, the onsequene of eah hoie also beoes ore iportant.

nulear power, for instane, ay iprove our quality of life. but it an also be used to daae the lives and possessions of illions.

eonoi developent has enrihed our lives but brouht with it serious har to our air, water and health.

to those of us who are blind to the onsequenes of their hoies, i would like to say, to hoose eans to take responsibility. when we are akin hoies for ourselves, we annot asually say: "it's just y own business. " as poliy akers of the next entury, we annot fail to see our responsibility to those who share the earth with us.

the traditional hinese ulture teahes us to study hard and work hard so as to honor our faily. to e, however, this faily is not just the five of us who quarreled over television proraes. rather, it is the whole of the huan faily. as i a akin y hoies, i will not foret the sile of y teaher when i orretly spelled out the word "hina" for the first tie, i will not foret the happy faes of the boys and irls we helped to send bak to shool in the ountains of jianxi provine. i will not foret the tearful eyes of woen and hildren in bosnia, hehnya and soali, where illions are sufferin fro war, faine or poverty.

all these people, known and unknown, ake up our bi huan faily. at different points, they ae into y life and broaden y perspetive. now as i a to ake hoies for yself, it is tie to ake efforts to iprove their lives, beause a world will benefit us all only if every one in it an lead a peaeful and prosperous life.




1年前,我们身着同样的款式,单一的色调。而如今,纷繁的花色和众多的式样让我们挑得眼花缭乱。 1年前,英语专业的学生只能选语言与文学课程。而如今,我们还学习西方文化,新闻,商务,国际关系,甚至还有计算机课程。


















