

2024-06-09 02:48:01演讲稿


ood evenin everyone! Hello ladies and entleen! It's y reat honor to stand here. As you know, there is a kind of beauty, it an ake the person surprise, it ake the person enjoy in retrospet. It is oreous and spetaular. There is a kind of beauty, it brins the intense eotion to life. It brins the sweet to life. This kind of beauty is the beauty of haronious. Well, this is y today's topi:A haronious apus.

Haronious, is one of the ost popular words in the soiety at the present tie. Now our overnents are advoatin buildin haronious soiety. But what is haronious? I looked it up in the ditionary. It says “in areeent, free fro ill feelin.”

In soe shools, there are a lot of probles. For instane, teahers do not have patiene with students, soe ever shout at the. Students fall in sleep durin the lass. Play truant is widespread. utter lanuaes are often heard.

apus, whih is of ourse one part of the projet, plays an essential role in the soiety. If we want to build a haronious soiety, first we should build a haronious apus, and et rid of those probles.

To a haronious shool, the surroundin is very iportant. n our apus, oonut trees rowed line on the road. The reen rass is the always fine sprin day. The various flowers and trees are the beautiful senery, the reen outside the lassroo show its rave to the students. When the students are walkin around the apus, their bodies and inds are pleasant.

If we think of the haronious apus as a tree, then the haronious environent is the leaves of the tree. The ood huan relation of apus is the root.

nly the apus with ood huan relationships an be alled a haronious apus.

A haronious apus has a haronious relationship between teahers and students. Teaher, whih is the person who teahes you knowlede, should be respet by us. We should herish teahers' pays, respet their works. Thus we an reate a haronious study atosphere.

A haronious apus also needs a ood relationship aon students. We should help those who have probles, and et alon with the. Thus to reate a haronious soial relationship.

Brin hope to the helplessness, brin power to the youn, brin liht to the blind, and brin onfidene to the weak. ur apus is a haronious apus: it is a faily of us all.


In y 1 years of life, there have been any thins. University days are the best part of the. I an never foret the days when I stepped into y university. I was ipressed by its arden-like apus, its enthusiasti students and espeially its learnin atosphere. I at one fell in love with it.

After the arduous ilitary trainin, I et absolutely absorbed in y studies. The lasses iven by the teahers are exellent. They provide us with inforation not only fro our textbooks but fro any other soures as well. They easily arouse y insatiable desire to take in as uh as I an.

Frankly speakin, at first I had soe diffiulty followin the teahers. However, throuh y own efforts and thanks to y teahers' uidane, I ade rearkable proress. Now I've benefited a lot fro letures and any other aadei reports.

Learnin is a lon proess; I'll keep explorin in the treasure house of knowlede to enrih yself. This suer I ot out of the ivory tower and entered the real world. A publishin house offered e a part-tie job in opilation and revision.

At the beinnin I was belittled by y olleaues. But they were really surprised when I translated seven Enlish artiles over ,000 words on only one day. radually, they bean to look at e with respetful eyes. In their opinion I turned out to be a useful and trustworthy olleaue.

I also realie that only those who brin happiness for others an be truly happy. So I often take part in ativities onernin publi welfare. I one went to a barren ountain villae with y lassates. We tauht the kids there who ould not afford shool. While showin the how broad and how ivilied the outer world is, I was deeply touhed by their eaerness to learn, their honesty and their purity. I ouldn't ontrol y tears on the day when we left. The preious experiene with the poor kids ade e aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us, future teahers.

Besides study and soial pratie, there are entertainents as well. I do body buildin every day, hopin to keep healthy and enereti. We also write a play and put it on in our spare tie.

apus life is the ost splendid tie. But different people have different hoies. The ajority of students herish their beautiful season and herish the hope that one day they'll beoe outstandin. But there are indeed soe students still under inorane. They ather toether for eatin, drinkin or playin ards. They're busy in searhin for a irlfriend or a boyfriend. They foret opletely about their ission as ollee students and the hope of their otherland.

Finally, I do hope everybody an try their best to beoe a worthy itien of the ountry. I do hope everybody an beoe the bakbone of our nation and ake reat ontributions to soiety!


ood afternoon, honorable judes, dear teahers & friends.

I' Lai Senhan fro the University of International Business & Eonois. Do you know what date is it today? Today is the lypi Date. I' so lad to stand here today to share y idea about Beijin lypi aes toether with you all. The title of y speeh is: what an we do for Beijin lypi aes?

First of all, let e tell you a story that happened 2 years ao. At the end of Auust, 2007, when I deided to oe to Beijin for study, y friends hel* * **rewell Party for e. They said: after your raduation, you should look for a job in Beijin, and then in 200, we shall o to visit you durin the lypi aes. I lauhed and answered: K, no proble!

Tie flied and 2 years passed. Now I a a raduate. y teahers and lassates always ask e: what's your plan after your raduation? o bak hoe, stay in Beijin, or o to soe other plaes? And I always answer: I will stay in Beijin. I ake this deision not beause of y proise to y friends 2 years ao, but beause: I've fallen in love with Beijin! I' eaer to weloe the oin lypi aes toether with y fellow ountryen, and I wish I ould do soethin for the lypis & for the ity.

As we know, Beijin will host the 29th Suer lypi aes in 200. As a hinese, I think any people are thinkin: what we an do for Beijin lypi aes. ost of us are not athletes, we annot take part in opetitions diretly; we are not offiials either, we don't need to do the preparatory work. We are only ordinary people, what we an do!

There are still so any thins we an do! For exaple, for e, I a a raduate ajorin Business Enlish. As far as I a onerned, I will keep on learnin Enlish hard, and apply for bein a volunteer. I will use Enlish to serve the aes toether with other volunteers. And also, as a businessan at that tie, I will avail yself of the reat oerial opportunities that the lypis brins to us, ake ore efforts to offer y ontribution to the rowth of our national eonoy.

And for all of us, with the oal to host a "reen lypis", we shall plant ore trees, rass & flowers. Don't waste water. In order to alleviate the probles of air pollution & traffi onestions, we shall take buses & subways ore. With the oal to host a "People's lypis", and in order to ake our lypis ore attrative and to ake our Beijin ore beautiful, we shall help everyone we eet who needs help, we shall abide by traffi rules, don't soke in publi and no spittin. The ost iportant way for our hinese to support our Beijin lypi aes, in y opinion, is to work hard on our duties.
