

2024-06-12 08:20:01演讲稿

Never, Never ive Up

We often hear people say, “Never ive up.” These an be enourain words and words of deterination. A person who believes in the will keep tryin to reah his oal no atter how any ties he fails. In y opinion, the quality of deterination to sueed is an iportant one to have. Therefore, I believe that we should never ive up.

ne reason is that if we ive up too easily, we will rarely ahieve anythin. It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attept at soethin new, so we should not feel disouraed and should try aain. Besides, if we always ive up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and row as people. Another reason we should never ive up is that we an learn fro our istakes only if we ake a new effort. If we do not try aain, the lesson we have learned is wasted. Finally, we should never ive up beause as we work to reah our oals, we develop onfidene, and this onfidene an help us sueed in other areas of our lives. If we never hallene ourselves, we will bein to doubt our abilities.

In short, it is iportant that we do not ive up when workin for our oals. Whether we sueed in the end or not, we will learn soethin, and what we learn will help us to beoe better, ore onfident people. Furtherore, if we ive up, we have non hane of attainin our oals, but if we keep tryin, there is always a hane that we will sueed one day.



Dear friends:I a a rih irl, beause I have a lot of treasure.

Friends are y treasures. Whenever I a sad and down, I know they would hold y hands and war y heart. They show e how aain the friendship is.

Failies are also y treasures. Whether tie find us far apart or it keeps us lose toether, they are always standin by y side. They tell e how wonderful to be loved by people you love.

Experiene is y treasure. Whatever ood or bad situation I have to fae, it would show e the riht way. It helps e to know ore about life.

I believe I will be riher in the future., beause the way of life is just like a journey of findin treasure .You never know when and where you an find the. You just keep oin and they will be found in soe tie at soe plae. I will herish what I have had and keep findin with y uriosity and passion .

I fall in love with readin, beause I an et the treasure of knowlede .

I take part in ativities, beause I an find the treasure of ooperation.

I enjoy usi, beause I an find out the treasure of beauty.

Life is preious ,isn’t it? How an we et so any beautiful and valuable thins without life?

Dear friends, Let’s feel the world with heart, arry the sun inside you, and reah out for the dreas that uide you where you want to o. You will have what it takes to ake our path of suess. That is the treasure of life!



Everyone has a other. other brins us to the world. They ive us life and love. When we are little, they take ood are of us. They ive uh but ive theselves little. They prefer to ive us the best rather than let us feel hunry.

When we are ill, they take us to the hospital and look after us day and niht. When we sile, they sile. When we ry, they ry. ne I hear a story about other.

The story happened at the earthquake in 200. When people found a other, they were surprised to find that there was a baby in her ars and there was a obile phone near the baby. In the obile phone there was a text essae, sayin" y lovely baby, I love you forever." The other used her body to save her hild. How reat the other is! others will do everythin for their hildren.

So we should love our others and take ood are of the when they need us. We shouldn't be anry with our others when they punish us, beause what they do is for our ood.
