

2024-06-12 05:08:01演讲稿



Beloved teaher, dear students:

Everybody is ood!

y nae is han Xiaohua, hose to run for the onitor, beause I et up the ourae. In the lass, I was a leader, learnin has always been ood to answer questions -- lass atively aurate, is the teahers sall otton padded jaket; in the ornin readin, I have a ertain anaeent ability, is the sall uards aintain lass order; in the lass, I an play with y lassates toether, reind they dont play danerous aes. f ourse, I will redouble its efforts to study, ouniation, trainin, to ontribute to the honor lasses!

Althouh, I know there is a lot of ood than their own students, but I understand, partiipation.

If you hoose e, I will try to the leaders responsibility, work hard toether with lassates, there are dissatisfied with y fellow

Siene an and I said, I ust orret the errors in tie.

Thank you!


beloved teaher, dear partners :

hello everyone! i alled # # #, the first tie today i stand on the rostru speeh, and speeh is the first eletion onitor, at this tie i a exited, but also very nervous. it is a squad any students lookin for jobs, the need for a apable and arin people to play, i believe i have the ability. i-12 has been a leader, we are not ontinue to ive e this opportunity? let e hildhood diary for the whole lass to stay in the unparalleled servie fond eories! i war and heerful, lovin the olletive unity of the students, with love. i despise the disadvantae of poor students, not like other peoples advie to e in the days to oe, i will reove these defets.

if i win the eletion on the head when, i will use the exuberant enery, a lear ind to do this work, i will oranie a series of ativities suh as readin, speeh, et., and of ourse i do not any ore. i think we should have it as a doer, not those beautiful words to desribe. if i had lost that i still have any shortoins, i will ontinue to self-iproveent.

teperin y work, i reated a livin. dell arneie said, should not be afraid of sellin their own, as lon as you believe that you have the talent, you should onsider theselves eliible for prootion was this or that job.

students, and trust e, support e, please vote for e, thank you!


Dear teaher students:

How do you do! I have been quite Enlish branh representative position, but aain, Enlish or nuber three, four. While the re-eletion as his own.

If I served as the representative in our Enlish departent, I will try y best to anae Enlish work. For exaple: points bak to shool at 6 every day away yesterdays hoework in Enlish teaher didnt put his hoework before he ae bak did not hand in your hoework in the nae of the list. Rablin about when I will oranie the students bak to read books, read ood books and read well the list of students to the teaher. I have several hobbies, just like on the oputer to ake Enlish tabloids, usually look at Enlish phoneti alphabet book, Enlish book. Soeties at Enlish on the oputer for a while! Not Enlish words to behave in suh a way of Enlish words.

If I really when Enlish branh representative, relies on the vote of the students. To think I riht!
