any people are ative in fihtin aainst unfair treatent to olored people, woen , anials and so on. Riht now I a talkin about fihtin for respet to our environent.Thouh the environent doesn't have a outh to depreate what huans have done to her, she retaliates throuh ation. In the early years the hinese ut down lare quantities of trees, at the soure of the yellow river, whih led to the disappearane of bi forests and terrible floods. As a result, the Huantu plateau whih was one overed with rass and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants. Another exaple was in several developed ountries. Beause any heial fatories dishared poisonous as without filterin it, ities were overed with so uh poisonous as that people were killed by the air they breathed in. What horrible sene!What we are sufferin is only a sall part of what the nature one suffered. If we don't take ation to show respet to the environent, we will have to fae an inreasinly awful situation.
easures should be taken to protet the environent on whih we are relyin. First overnents should forbid destroyin veetation, rivers and lakes,oeans, as and the atosphere as well. Seond voies should be ade to announe the publi of the iportane of protetin the environent. Third enterprises should pay speial attention to the effet they have on the environent and work out solutions for the probles.
nly by hanin the way we treat the environent an we et alon well with it. nly by savin the environent an we save ourselves.
We have only one earth. But now,the environent beoes worse and worse.
As you know,there's no enouh lean water for people. So any of the lose their lives beause of water. In a lot of ountries, people have to ut trees for livin. So there's nothin to keep water fro runnin away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to fae ore and ore floods and drouhts .
It's tie that we ust do soethin useful to protet our environent. We an plant trees and take ood are of the. We an save the water and ask our parents to do so. We an't throw any litter onto the round and we should ollet the for reylin.
If we take ood are of our earth today,it will be ore beautiful toorrow.
What is nature? It's everythin that exists in the world independently of people, suh as pants and anials, earth and roks, and the weather.
Now ore and ore people are fousin on the nature. It is no doubt that the nature is iportant to every huan bein. No nature, no life. Beause of the supplies of the nature, we have lived happily for a lon tie. And we started to ain every thin available fro the nature. And this lasted so lon a tie. Today, people have disovered that the nature around is ettin worse and worse.
What is threatenin the nature? Air and water pollution, overharvestin of plant and anial speies, overpopulation and so on. verpopulation is the biest soure of pollution. Let's take overpopulation as an exaple.
What does overpopulation feel like? When we ove slowly throuh the ity in a tai. When we enter a rowded slu distrit. When the teperature is hih and when the air is thik with dust and soke. The streets are rowded with people. The streets see alive with people. People eatin. People washin. People talkin. People sleepin. People visitin eah other, aruin and sreain. People relievin theselves. People pushin their hands throuh the taxi windows, bein. People leadin anials. People, people, people, people. As we drive slowly throuh the rowd, soundin the taxi's horn, the dust, heat, noise and ookin fires ade it like a sene fro hell! I adit, frihtenin.
To the nature, overpopulation is a bi proble. ore people, ore pollution. And the bi population is threatenin the nature every seond.
The rapid rise in world population is not reatin probles only for the developin ountries. The whole world faes the proble that raw aterials are bein used up at an inreasin rate and food prodution an not keep up with the population inrease. People in rih ountries ake the heaviest deands on the world's resoures, its food, fuel and land, and ause the ost pollution. A baby born in the United States will use in his lifetie 30 ties ore of the world's resoures than a baby born in India. Unless all the ountries of the world take united ation to deal with the population explosion there will be ore and ore people fihtin for a share of less and less land, food and fuel, and the future will brin poverty, isery and war to us all.
For ost of the developin ountries, it is a ood idea to ontrol the population rowth. For exaple, hina has arried out birth ontrol for years. And this plan has a reat effet on the world population.
If the population ontinues to inrease, if the air and water ontinue to be polluted, if we don't do soethin to protet wild-plant and wildlife speies will be delinin. Speies and bioloial ounities have diffiulty adaptin to hane. Eonoi opportunities and the quality of life of future enerations are also put at risk. By protetin nature, we protet ourselves.
Let's unite toether, hand in hand we stand all aross the land.
We an ake this world in whih to live. Hand in hand. ontrol the population rowth. Take ood are of our nature.