

2024-06-12 02:34:01演讲稿

heal the world, akes it a better plae. for you and for e, and the entire huan rae. just as what the son sins, it is very iportant for us to protet the environent.

there is one thin in oon in y faily, that is, no atter in y father’s workba, in y other’s purse, or even in y shoolba, there is a pair of hopstiks. strane? let e tell you the reason. y o said: “just as if we eat out one tie a day, we’ll save 1000 pairs of hopstiks in a year’s tie. that eans we have saved a bi tree.

y dad said: “without every sinle person, there is no huan rae. so, it is everyone’s duty to protet the environent. sayin a thousand ties of protetin environent is not as useful as puttin a pair of hopstiks in your ba.

i said: “this is a ood habit, i shall pass it to the next eneration. the pair of hopstiks reinds us that it is our duty to protet the environent, to save our planet. y dear friends, have you put a pair of hopstiks in your ba? if you haven’t, just do it now.





