

2024-06-12 02:02:01演讲稿



His hands were rouh and exeedinly

1) stron. He ould ently prune

2) a fruit tree orfirly ease a stubborn horse into a harness. What I reeber ost is the speial warthfro those hands as he would take e by the shoulder and point out the litterin swoop of ablue hawk, or a rabbit asleep in its lair. They were ood hands that served hi well and failedhi in only one thin. They never learned to write.

y father was illiterate. The nuber of illiterates

3) in our ountry has steadily delined, butif there were only one I would be saddened

4), reeberin y father and the pain heendured beause his hands never learned to write. He started shool in the first rade, wherethe reedy for a wron answer was ten rule r strokes aross a strethed pal.

For soe reason, shapes, fiures and letters just did not fall into the ri ht pattern inside hissix-year-old ind. His father took hi out of shool after several onths and set hi to a an’sjob on the far.

Years later, his wife, with her fourth-rade eduation, would try to teah hi to read. And stilllater I would rasp his bi fist between y sall hands and awkwardly help hi to trae theletters of his nae. He subitted

) to the ordeal for a short tie, but soon rew restless andwould delare that he had had enouh.

ne niht, when he thouht no one saw, he slipped away with y seond rade reader andlabored over the words until they beae too diffiult. He pressed his forehead into the paesand wept. Thereafter, no aount of persuadin ould brin hi to sit with pen and paper. Hedid still like to listen to y other, and then to e, read to hi. He espeially enjoyedlistenin to us read to hi fro the Bible.

y father was fored to let the bank take possession of ost of the areae

6) of his farlandone year when a rop failure eant he ouldn’t ake the ortae

7) payent. He was ableto keep one are of the farland where the sall far house was loated.

Fro the far to road buildin and later to fatory work, his hands served hi well. His indwas keen, and his will to work was unsurpassed. His enthusias and effiieny brouht anoffer to beoe a line boss--until he was handed the qualifiation test.

Years later, when other died, I tried to et hi to oe and live with y faily, but heinsisted on stayin in the sall house with the arden plot and a few far anials lose by.His health bean to fail, and he was in and out of the hospital with two ild heart attaks. ldDo reen saw hi weekly and ave hi ediation, inludin nitrolyerin

) tablets to putunder h is tonue should he feel an attak oin on.

y last fond eory of Dad was wathin as he walked aross the brow of a hillside eadowwith those bi war hands restin on the shoulders of y two hildren. He stopped to point outa pond where he and I had fished years before. The niht, y faily an d I flew bak to ourown hoe. Three weeks later Dad was dead beause of a heart attak.

I returned to y father’s hoe for the funeral. Do reen told e how sorry he was. In fat, hewas bothered a bit, beause he had just written Dad a new presription, and the druist

9)had filled it. Yet the bottle of pills had not been found on Dad’s person. Do reen felt that apill iht have kept hi alive lon enouh to suon help.

I went out to Dad’s arden plot where a neihbor had found hi. In rief, I stooped to t raey finers in the earth where he had reahed the end of his life. y hand ae to rest on ahalf-buried brik, whih I ailessly lifted. I notied underneath it the twisted and battered, yetunbroken, ontainer that had been beaten into the soft earth.

As I held the ontainer of pills, the sene of Dad strulin to reove the ap and indesperation tryin to break it with the brik flashed painfully before y eyes. With deepanuish I knew why those bi hands had lost in their strule with death. For there, iprintedon the ap, were the words:“hild-proof ap--Push down and twist to unlok. ”

The druist later onfired that he had just started usin the new safety aps.

I knew it was not a rational at, but I went riht downtown and bouht a leather-boundpoket ditionary and a old pen set. I bade Dad ood-bye by plain the in those bi hands,one so war, whih had lived so well, but had never learned to write.


Today day is a eorable day, are the annual Father's Day!

Deep sea otherly love, fatherly love heavy as a ountain. People at the sae tie to elebrate other's Day and did not foret his father's ahieveents. Soeone start the year on the reoendation of Father's Day. Years, it is to elebrate the first Father's Day. At that tie, the late father of all people have to wear a white rose, the father of the people alive while wearin red roses. This usto has been passed so far.

It is said that the seletion of Father's Day is a onth over onth beause of the sun are the ost heated one, a sybol of the father to ive their hildren the love that hot. Paternal suh as ountains, tall and lofty, let e look tiid and afraid to lib Health; father suh as days,and far-reahin, so that Yan and y heart did not dare pity; paternal reat deep are pure and not return , but love is a bitter, diffiult to understand depression and the unattainable.

Father, like a tree, always, let hi lush foliae of a solid ar for the tree to reate shadeus. Years suh as the finers over the water, like, before I knew it, we have rown up, while the tree is radually ain, and even the new leaves are no loner the hair full of vitality. Annually on the third Sunday is father's holiday, let us sinerely say: Father, I love you! Happy Father's Day!

Now, the ertifiate of Eduation Exaination and the final exas approahin, I suest that we should seie the tie, study hard, with exellent results as to the father's ift, reat father to return, I believe his father at that tie are the ost beautiful sile! Students, oe on now! ! !






His hands were rouh and exeedinly

1) stron. He ould ently prune

2) a fruit tree orfirly ease a stubborn horse into a harness. What I reeber ost is the speial warthfro those hands as he would take e by the shoulder and point out the litterin swoop of ablue hawk, or a rabbit asleep in its lair. They were ood hands that served hi well and failedhi in only one thin. They never learned to write.父亲节英语演讲稿:y Father’s Hands

y father was illiterate. The nuber of illiterates

3) in our ountry has steadily delined, butif there were only one I would be saddened

4), reeberin y father and the pain heendured beause his hands never learned to write. He started shool in the first rade, wherethe reedy for a wron answer was ten rule r strokes aross a strethed pal.

For soe reason, shapes, fiures and letters just did not fall into the ri ht pattern inside hissix-year-old ind. His father took hi out of shool after several onths and set hi to a an’sjob on the far.

Years later, his wife, with her fourth-rade eduation, would try to teah hi to read. And stilllater I would rasp his bi fist between y sall hands and awkwardly help hi to trae theletters of his nae. He subitted

) to the ordeal for a short tie, but soon rew restless andwould delare that he had had enouh.


any years ao, a baby boy ae into this world. But unfortunately, he didn't oe with a ry, whih was a bi proble fro the edial point of view. The dotor, touh and quik, turned the baby upside down and slapped his botto sharply. The baby ried, and he survived. At that oent, the father yelled at the dotor, Why did you hit y baby? He did not realie that the dotor had saved the baby's life. The baby ried and ried, and the father siled and silently ried as well. He held the baby in his ars and did not allow the dotor to touh the baby anyore.ontest hair, ladies and entleen, that baby was e, and that an was y dad. Whenever y o told people this story, I would always lauh aloud, and y dad would just shake his head and sile quietly.



Who is usin the ar of Qiu Jin, for us to put up a brilliant sky?

Who is usin the hard-workin hands, happy for us to build a hoe?

Are you, father, a reat nae but rdinary!

Father of a ountain, broad-inded, the father of rivers to aoodate an ubrella for us so that we stay away fro disaster

Father of a vessel, arryin us, brave the wind and waves, love towards the Harbor!

In the eyes of his dauhter, the father is ore like you are leanin aainst a tree in sprin an love you like fantasy anlu drop, oisten with y heart;

Throuh the suer to enjoy your love, like bursts of breee, the wind blowin softly beside hi;

Tauht e to beoe ripe autun, your love is to e is that the rih fruits of suess

Tauht e to beoe a stron winter, you love the sun are ontinuously iven e onfidene and strenth!

Sprin, suer, autun and winter, the sun traes of rotation tie, quietly libed up the wind and rain on your fae honed, so that you viissitudes

Not foret, you earnestly to teah the sene

Not foret, you sent her dauhter to ride bak to shool is not to be forotten, when the dauhter of Late in your sad eyes

Is not to be forotten, when the sik dauhter on your fae an not foret the senes of fear, the father and dauhter is not to be forotten ... ... If the situation an be life-yle the next life, I also ake your dauhter!
