

2024-06-11 15:20:01演讲稿

Today, y topi is hanes in hinese haraters.

hinese ulture is broad and profound. And I think, hinese haraters are also an iportant part of hinese ulture.

At first, there was rale Bone Insriptions. It was an anient lanuae. It was written on tortoise shell or anial bones. It reorded the politial and eonoi situation in the Shan Dynasty.

Then, there was insriptions on anient brone objets (jin wen)。

Look at the piture! It was popular in the hou Dynasty.

Next, there was seal harater (huan shu)。 It was used in Qin Dynasty.

Then, let’s look at this piture. It is alled offiial sript (li shu)。It was usually very flat. It was beun to use in the Qin Dynasty. It beae the ost popular in the Han Dynasty.

This is reular sript (kai shu)。 As its nae, it is very reular. It is very popular now, too.

This is runnin sript (xin shu)。 It depended on the reular sript. It is between the reular sript and ursive. The ost faous writin of runnin sript is Lan Tinxu.

Let’s talk about ursive. Soe of the strokes are not written, so we soeties annot understand it well. There were any faous people who wrote ursive well, like: han Xu, Huai su, and so on.

And even now, we have differenes between the traditional haraters and siplified haraters. The traditional haraters are diffiult to write. And the siplified haraters are easier. But the traditional haraters are a tradition of hina. So I think, we an write siplified haraters in our everyday life, and study the traditional haraters in our free tie if we want.
