

2024-06-11 12:14:01演讲稿

Everyone has a drea, it is everybody yearnin. But the an without a drea of the life will be epty. But dreas are always with the thouht of advane and hane. Bein to reeber, I have a drea. I hope I have oney, people always ask: "boy, this is a reat drea, have oney, what are you oin to do?" I' oin to buy hoolate." if you have a lot of oney?" " I will buy a lot of hoolate."

if you have oney to burn?" " I'll buy hoolate fatory." Indeed when we, innoent, with a kind heart, happineand joy is a onstant oveent. When I was youn, I have a drea. I hope you an beoe a kite, floatin in the sky, and then slowly fell down. Then in the reen eadow like playin with opanion, often hasin the white louds in the sky, let the flap with lauhter, do the ultiolored ultioloured drea. Read, I have a drea. I hope to have a basketball; when I had tie for basketball, but also want a football; when I play football, volleyball beae y pursuit. Another has a drea into a reality when, in fat I believe that the drea is not far away fro e, as lon as hildish play, will be the realiation of a drea. Slowly into the priary shool, iddle shool, hih shool … Will feel ore pressure there, so will not be a drea, only know that readin to die, there is no note of those happy. Reeber, I have a drea. I hope that day will not have a lot of hoework to do.

A bit of tie to play deprived, and our day in 40% were iprisoned in the lassroo, a lot of tie on their study. But in the fae of learnin, or a vaue awareness. As the sayin oes," woolly-headed", understandin, also fro feudalis to apitalis, the ore feel it riht. Start up hih all the tie, I have a drea, I hope I an beoe a top student, ot any awards; hoe to be faily praise; in shool teahers have been affired; aon the students to stand head and shoulders above others perforane; in the eyes an be reonied as a ood hild. But, radually, I found that to ahieve this drea and annot rely on to hildish play. Later, I learned how to fiht. Bustlin about hoe fro shool one day, it is leisure, listen to usi, eat dinner, bak to shool. This day very dull, perhaps soeties put a lot of friends; soeties iss, or a pair of sleepy drivin shool. Love fashion shool lothin, really want to o for a walk, take a look at. Sunday's tie is very short, baby I really want to ake, slowly know life hard and drea is really too diffiult, but I will work hard, to see everyone to live up early to ath up later, hold oneself no loner loose.

Today, I have a drea, I hope I an enter a favorite university, the best in Beijin. y dreas, in the hih shool that dark water jar for food, every day for enrih yself strulin for the future of the food, liht and hard. Drea is like a seed, in the" heart" of the soil, althouh it is very sall, but an be rooted blosso, if there is no drea, just like livin in the desert of obi, desolate, no vitality. Have drea, have pursuit, has the oal, has a drea, there will be a drivin fore. It will ure people forward, aybe in the dreas of the road, will eet any setbaks, but never ind, fell hiself up, for his drea and forward, after all, the future is our own reation.



ood ornin !

y reat pleasure to share y drea with you today. y drea is to beoe a teaher…

As the whole world has its boundaries, liits and freedo oexist in our life. I don’t expet oplete freedo, whih is ipossible. I siply have a drea that supports y life.

I drea that one day, I ould esape fro the deep sea of thik shoolbooks and lead y own life. With y favorite fitions, I lie freely on the reen rass, sellin the sprin, listenin to the wind sinin, breathin the fresh and ool air and dissolve y soul in nature at last. Siple and short enjoyent an brin e reat satisfation.

I drea that one day the adults ould throw their prejudie of oi and artoon away. They ould keep a lovely heart that an share sorrow and happiness with us while wathin artoon or doin personal thins. That’s the real ouniation of heart to heart.

I have the belief that y dreas should oe true. I a lookin forward to soe day oin when I a like a proud eale, whih flies to the blue and vast sky.



Everyone has a drea. Now I'll talk about y drea i What is y drea? I often ask yself. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a soldier with a un so that I ould defend our otherland.

Now I a a youn boy with a new drea——to be a dotor. I want to be a faous dotor, helpin the sik and savin their lives. Why has y drea haned? Well, at the ae of 11 I was ill, badly ill. I was told that I had aner. I had to leave both y shool and y friends and o to the hospital. Every day I suf-fered the troubles aused by this illness.

I also saw soe people who were sufferin and dyin of ill-nesses. I ade up y ind to beoe a dotor, so that I an help the sik people and ure the of their diseases. hina is a develop-in ountry. She needs ood ediine and ood dotors, espeially in the ountryside and lonely villaes.

I want to try y best to help the poor sik people of our ountry. I want to let the have an opportunity to reeive exel-lent treatents for their illnesses without havin to pay uh or any oney.

I'll do every bit to ure the inurable. I hope to see a world where there is no aner, no Aids, no fatal diseases. I' onfident that throuh the joint efforts of you and e, an will put an end to his bodily sufferins and this drea of ine will one day be brouht into reality.

Now I a a youn boy with a new drea——to be a dotor. I want to be a faous dotor, helpin the sik and savin their lives. Why has y drea haned? Well, at the ae of 11 I was ill, badly ill. I was told that I had aner. I had to leave both y shool and y friends and o to the hospital. Every day I suf-fered the troubles aused by this illness.

I also saw soe people who were sufferin and dyin of ill-nesses. I ade up y ind to beoe a dotor, so that I an help the sik people and ure the of their diseases. hina is a develop-in ountry. She needs ood ediine and ood dotors, espeially in the ountryside and lonely villaes.

I want to try y best to help the poor sik people of our ountry. I want to let the have an opportunity to reeive exel-lent treatents for their illnesses without havin to pay uh or any oney.

I'll do every bit to ure the inurable. I hope to see a world where there is no aner, no Aids, no fatal diseases. I' onfident that throuh the joint efforts of you and e, an will put an end to his bodily sufferins and this drea of ine will one day be brouht into reality.
