
未来 英语演讲稿

2024-06-11 10:06:01演讲稿

ladies and entleen, ood ornin! i’ very lad to stand here and ive you a short speeh.

an’s life is a proess of rowin up, atually i’ standin here is a rowth. if a person’s life ust onstituted by various hoies, then i row up alon with these hoies. one i hope i an study in a ollee in future, however that’s passed, as you know i oe here, now i wonder what the future holds for e.

when i oe to this shool, i told to yself: this y near future, all starts here. followin i will learn to beoe a an, a interated an, who has a fine body, an take on iportant task, has independent thouht, an open ind, intensive thouht, has the ability to jude riht and wron, has a perfet job. 

one y teaher said :” you are not sewin, you are stylist; never foret whih you should lay out to people is your thouht, not raft.” i will put y personality with y interest and ability into y study, durin these proess i will obine learnin with doin. if i an ahieve this “future”, i think that i really row up. and i deeply believe kindred, ood-fellowship and love will perfetion and happy in the future. 

how to say future? aybe it’s a nie wish. lets ake up our inds, stik to it and surely well enjoy our life.






如何来解释未来呢? 也许那只是一个美好的愿望。让我们下定决心,坚持到底,那我们的人生一定能过得很精彩。
