

2024-06-11 09:34:01演讲稿

ood evenin,ladies and entleen,

Today,y topi is about expressin the appreiation to our others.

We always say that other love is the reatest love in the world,as we are rowin,we enjoy the deliious food she ooked,we enjoy the lean lothes she washed,we et used to the privilee she ave us. Then,radually,we just take it for ranted and bein to find her nain.We tend to pay less attention to her and soeties even inore her.Ladies and entleen,an you reeber what did you do to show your other your love on her birthdays?I a pretty sure that the youner you were,the ore attention you would pay.Even thouh, your other still love you the sae.

n other——s day,I reeived a essae fro one of y best friends,she said:I a appreiated to your other for ivin birth to you 20 years ao,beause it ave e the hane to beoe your friend.I was oved by these words and an——t help thinkin: what a other is?She is the one who will walk for 1 days just to save 100 yuan for you.She is the one who will keep lovin you and expet no return.She is the one who has already sarified a lot for you and is ready to sarifie ore.Why? Beause she ot the nae other iediately after you were born.

So,ladies and entleen,please be reatful to our others, and please herish the irale our others have ade sine the day we ae to this world.

Thank you very uh !



I always feel tired after eiht lasses a day, so y drea shool starts at :30 a.. and ends at 3:30 p.. there are three lessons in the ornin and two in the afternoon. we an hoose our favorite lessons to learn. we an spend ore tie doin soe outside readin. the students do after-shool ativities for one and a half hours every day. we needn’t do a lot of hoework. we are all happy to stay at shool.

Besides that, y drea shool looks like a bi arden. there are any kinds of flowers around the odern buildins. sweet perfues are diffused all around. if i want to have a rest, i an lie on the rass, listen to usi by the lake or look out at the flowers fro the lassroo windows.

The teahers here are kind and helpful. they are not only our teahers but also our ood friends. the students are polite and friendly. we all know how to keep our shool lean and tidy. there is no litter around the apus.

I love y drea shool. we will row up to be happier there.



Every lassate, every friend! Have you heard of white drea ?Perhaps , you think hope is reen, youth is red, and drea is only natural old!But , I think edial workers' drea is white.

You're likely to say : white stands for blank,white sybolies poverty. But, I will tell you white also sinifies reation! White also is the ebodient of vast and pureness.

People usually speak hihly of edial workers as anels in white. Beause in their ind , edial workers are upriht , kind, selfless and friendly.

Despite the ruour and soial prejudie, Nantiner ave up her rih physial life, firly, oittin herself to nusin areer. In this way, she destronasted the lory of white drea.

Benqiuen strode over ountry boundaries, devotin hiself to edial areer without hestion.

Extrely beautiful senery often exists in danerous and hih ountains.Extrely rand usi is always disal. Extrely noble life frequently lies in heroi sarifie.In a sense, isn't edial workers' job reat? If one an sarifie his life for huan,isn't he or she happy? As it oin: if there isn't inveteray,there isn't prosperous leaves and sweet-sellin flowers, if there isn't headstrea and flowin water, thereisn't rapids and waterfall, if there isn't edial workers' hard work, there isn't ood and healthy life of people.

In a word, no atter what situation we iht fae, we ust stik to the white drea.
