

2024-06-10 20:32:01演讲稿

".12" the international nurse festival is the founder - enlandnurses whih nurses for the oeoration odern ties florene.nihtinale sets up. florene. nihtinale (on ay 12, 120 -1910 year on auust


3)had been born in italy's historial faous ity florene, afterwardsoved enland alon with the faily, when her hildhood harboredbenevolent and the fine ind, loathed has a hih and respetedposition with the bored soial life, did not attend to the parentsfirly to oppose, resolutely left hoe in 10 prussia to studynurses, aepts short-ter the edial treatent and nursin trainin,in 13 was hired holds the post of london to be sik the woan tonurse the eetin the surveillane duty. fro 14 to 16, enlish, the law, the turkish allied aries andarist overnent joined battle in riea, enland field hospitalanaeent bad, ondition rane, also did not have the nurse to nursethe patient, the soldier ortality rate reahes as hih as above 0%,after nihtinale this news, led 3 nurses to arrive at the frontiediately, arried on the servie in four field hospitals, at thattie, the front drus laked, the water soure was insuffiient,hyieni rane, but she was not disouraed, reoved all sorts ofdiffiulties by iht and ain, solved the essential thin and foodfor the patient, oranied the soldier faily eber joint operation,inreased their nutrition, thus aused the field hospital appearaneto have a new look. in the short half year tie, auses patient'sortality rate to drop to 2.2%, her erit disseinates thereat-hearted iediately. [ you are lanin over artile whih "old hundred dawns on-line"provides ] nihtinale kind entle, deeply loves the patient seriously,the work is earnest, an day and niht bustle about by the hih senseof responsibility and the splendid anaeent. in the dark lateautun, she rasps the oil lap to patrol the hospital ward, in everypossible way looks after eah wounded soldier, the bed wounded soldieris oved lies down is kissin her for on the bed whih falls on thewall, expresses to her respet and the deep love, and identiallyalls her is "the inspetion lap oddess". nihtinale in the riea battlefield the absorbed offer whih doesfor the patient, had driven afterwards soon established red ross'seber, also reular sript present their huanity objetive.therefore, in her before death, international red ross has set upnihtinale edal in at 1907 london onress, takes the enouraeentvarious ountries nurse's international hihest honor prie. in 1912,after naely nihtinale died the seond year, holds in washinton atthe ninth session of red ross international onress the offiialdeterination issues nihtinale the edal. in 1912, was oeorates nihtinale to nurse the ahieveent whihthe enterprise developed, the international nurse ounil south ofproposed nihtinale the birthday - on ay 12, oeorated nihtinaleas the various ountries hospital a

