Failure is what often happens.it is everywhere in your life.students ay fail in exas, siene ay fail in their researhwork,and athletes ay fail in opetitions.
althouh failure happens to everyone, attitudes towards failure are various. soe people don't think their failure is a very iportant thin at all. so they pay no attention to it. as a result, they will have the sae failure a previously later.they spend their thie and enery on useless thins and they ay really be fools as they have thouht.
Suess is not easy to talk about beause the word suess it-self has hundreds of definitions. For soe it eans power, for soe it eans wealth, for others it is fae or reat ahieve-ents. But I have y own understandin of it.
Suess eans to try your best.
any people believe that suess eans to win. In y opin-ion, it eans to try your best when you do everythin, no atter you will win or not. When you are takin part in a lon-distane rae, if you keep on runnin as fast as you an, you are suessful, althouh you ay be the last to pass the finishin-line. Beause you have showed your best to others, and you have ade I your reatest effort to be the winner.
Suess eans to work hard.
No one an sueed without any hard work. Karl ax was suessful, beause he spent ore than 30 years writin the book "ounist anifesto"; Toas Edison sueeded, beause he had experiented thousands of ties to find the best aterial for lihts. Every suess alls for hard work. If you want to su-eed, work hard first.
other people are quite different fro the two kinds of people entiond above. instend of bein distressed and lost,they draw a lesson fro every failure and beoe ore experiened. after hard work, they will be suessful in the end. It is said that failure is the other of suess. suess will be ained after ties of failures so lon as we are ood at drawon lesson fro our failures.
in y opinion , failure is not a bad thin , the really bad thin is takin a failure as failure or even lose our heart after failure.
ore iportantly, today, the world is underoin fast rhyth of hanin, soe issues our in one way this tie and reour in another way that tie.Suh instability and inonstany ake any lon-tie-lastin onventions and traditions not valid any loner. People enounter pile of new onditions everyday in urrent soiety, it is hard to find adequate referene fro the wisdo of onventions for all of these new thin, what an really lead people to suess is rational ind and reative ways of thinkin. To eet the requireent of new issions, only reative ativities ould ive out adaptive strateies. Without reative thinkin ways, there would no suh inreasinly developent of siene and tehnoloy in the past two enturies, no new type Aeria-style deoray in the world, no so any produts akin odern life so ofortable and onvenient. reative praties and oriinal idea are the enine of the fast developent of odern life, and are ost essential for people to aoplish suessful ahieveent in all kinds of fields.
Perhaps the sky is still blue, but I an see the blak sky. Perhaps the flowers are still beautiful, but I an see the uly flowers. Perhaps the sun still shines, but there’s no sun in y world. Perhaps the world doesn’t hane, but y world is hanin. The exa has been over, but I an’t wake up beause I think I did very badly.
But I know, even if you didn’t do well this tie, but you an do well next tie. Tie an’t run bakwards, you an try your best to do soethin well in the future.
I think, there’s no winnin or losin in the world. Toorrow, the sun rises aain; we will have a new day!
ood ornin. Ladies and entleen. Life has its ups and downs. I bet everyone here has one throuh suess and failures, a I riht? Therefore, what's your understandin of suess and failure? What do you think is the biest suess in one's life? XXX, an you share your idea with us?
Personally, I think suess and failure are ters that don't neessarily all for a universal definition sine all of us have our own definitions. That is to say, people an be suessful in different areas suh as in one's job and hobbies, livin a suessful private life, or runnin a suessful relationship. Assue that there are two en, one is wealthy and the other is needy. The wealthy one loves akin oney and is always busy with his work. He is satisfied with his business thouh he hardly has tie to have dinner with his wife and hildren. The needy one loves leisure. He has an easy but low-paid job so that he an have tie to spend with his faily. In eneral, he ould have deliious and war dinner with his failies every day. He's happy, too. Whih one do you think is ore suessful in his life? In y opinion, they are both suessful beause they both et what they want.
Everyone will be suessful in his or her own area. So, never look down on anyone inludin yourself. ne of y friends is ray about oputer aes, thus neletin his study. All the teahers rearded hi as a failure. But atually he is suessful in the aes. He has won the first prie in any E-sports aes.
Another exaple to support y stateent. I think that everyone knows Luo Yufen who is in Aeria now. Severals years ao, she was under the spotliht and attrated a stron ritiis. It seeed that her life was utterly a failure sine everyone was lauhin at her. But, I think she is suessful not beause she’s faous but she wanted to iirant to Aeria and ahieved.
In any ases, whether we are suessful or not is juded by others, atually, we should jude it by
ourselves. As lon as you have your own oal, you know exatly what you want, you are suessful when you ahieve it. So, leave all the neative oents outside the door. Be yourself, follow your own ause and enjoy your own suess!
Thank you sinerely!