

2024-06-10 00:42:01演讲稿

a woan who fell

It was rush hour and i was dashin to a train in new york ity's rand entral terinal - as i neared the ate, a plup, iddle-aed woan sprinted up fro behind, lost her footin on the sooth arble floor and slid onto her bak.

Her oentu arried her lose to y shoes.

Before i ould help her, however, she had srabled up.

ainin her oposure, she winked at e and said, "do you always have beautiful woen failin at your feet?"





She kindled a third ath. aain shot up the flae; and now she was sittin under a ost beautiful hristas tree ,far larer, and far ore prettily deked out, than the one she had seen last hristas eve throuh the lass doors of the rih erhant's house. hundreds of wax-tapers lihted up the reen branhes, and tiny painted fiures, suh as she had seen in the shop-windows, looked down fro the tree upon her. the hild strethed out her hands towards the in deliht, and in that oent the lihts of the ath war quenhed,still, however, the hristas andles burned hiher and hiher, she beheld the beain like stars in heaven; one of the fell, the lihts streain behind it like a lon, fiery tail.

“Now soe one is dyin,” said the little irl, softly, for she had been told by her old randother, the only person who had ever been kind to her, and who was now dead that whenever a star falls an iortal spirit returns to the od who ave it.

She struk yet another ath aainst the wall; it flaed up, and surrounded by its liht, appeared before her that sae dear randother, entle and lovin as always, but briht and happy as she had never looked durin her lifetie.



Individuals in the labody, do not nelet your own existene, you are in laevery body part. You know, what you say will affet the lass, everyone's heart.

ornin, you usually do not hane with the sae lothes, not a deliberate show, has lon been reet others eyes, while she (he) did not show the share of exiteent you iht expet; noon, you buy the duplins and not usually eat rie, this tie, you ertainly will not find other people's attention quietly into the heart of the Harbour; evenin, you ay have noted that you in the sports arena in robust posture fro tie to tie lead to her (his) eyes appreiation ; lyin about the eetin, or you are the entral topi of the niht. You know, you roup everyone in love with you! They were destined to bee a ood friend in life your life.

Do not inore the people around you who are about you? As lon as you have the as your friend. If you experiene any diffiulties, think of friends around, think about the people around you that are, think about oraniation, think about your father, other, think about your ounselor, think about tie for you hard workin people. They are ood-hearted, they are helpful, they are arin of others. These setbaks, the diffiulties faed by the, they would lend a helpin hand. Person's life will enounter this diffiulty, he iht not be pletely resolved out, this tie ust reeber the people around for help, for help. Think of what you are willin to help others, others will be quite willin to help you. pen your ind, free your ind, love is always around us.

Birth, the first ry ry out, but everyone lauhed. Why? Beause the new life brouht a different dynai. Fro then on, you will have a new eanin of life, other, your father, your randparents, your randparents, your relatives and friends, your teahers, your ounselor, your friend, your rooate, your spouse, your hildren, you all all. See all around us people are onerned about you, love you all, beause of their onern for life, it is partiularly eaninful, life also beause of their onern and it is partiularly exitin. For theselves, and to others, so that the release of your life ore olorful liht, beause people are about you, for the, you have to herish your life, you need to et beautiful life toether.
