

2024-06-09 08:28:01演讲稿

阅读实习周记网小编为大家搜集整理了几篇Student body President eletion speeh(学生会主席竞选演讲稿),欢迎阅读!

Student body President eletion speeh(一)

ood evenin Ladies and entleen:

Thank you for oin to this eletion apain today. With the trust and oplete support of y tea, I a delihted to announe that I a runnin for hairan of the Student Union.

As a dilient an with pleasant personality, I have been always onsidered to be a ood tea eber. eanwhile, as a bi fan of sports I fully realie the iportane of teawork and advoate the spirit of bein quiker and stroner. I possess stron deterination to take fir steps toward ahievin the objetives of y tea. In addition, y workin experiene with the Student union in the past two years will be extreely helpful to y future work here if I et eleted.

A sin of a really stron oraniation is that it an hane its leadership without hinderin its proREss and without daain its values. If I a eleted, I believe I have the apability to lead the union to advane in the riht diretion. I will ooperate well with y fellow ebers of the union and take innovative easures, inludin establishin a student-inforation enter, forin a teaher-student-friendship assoiation, to ake the union a true assistane to students study and life here as well as a bride of ouniation between teahers and students.

Thank you very uh.

Student body President eletion speeh(二)

y opetition speeh

As we all know, the purpose of Students Union in our university is for students and serves students. I uess everyone in our university wants to have friendly soial irles, exquisite apus, various students ativities and interestin aes. They are nie wishes that belon to students, and foridable duties that are taken over by the Students Union. But in ahievin all these above, we have to establish a stron tea in Students Union to oranie, as I an see, and you are eaer to take part in the sea of joy.

Students Union is atually a powerful oraniation for what they do for the onveniene of every student in our university, whih has set an exellent exaple for other students oraniations and prevails in the opetition with the. But we all should notie that, in order to keep its vitality and enery, the Students Union need a awesoe president as a leader to plan, to arrane, to oranie and to supervise every details of tasks, aes and ativities, and he would be on duty fro the seond he is seleted by you, sensible and wise students. Havin experiened two years in Students Union, I have beoe ature and seasoned enouh to ontinue in the ore and ore severe hallenes no atter how diffiult it is. Whats ore, I a always a responsible an whatever the situation is.

y sense of responsibility has shown in y work, and ould be also proved by y prie for y ontribution that I have ade durin the period in Students Union. If you are in hesitation to selet a ood president, do not oit e as lon as you reeber e and y previous perforane. No one has iven his heart and soul to Students Union ore than I have. Unhappily, soeties you iht be blinded by those people who want to rab your trust by speakin suared words. But I a not a liar, and to lie is ot y style. You an trust e, and I would testify y responsibility and arefulness in the days that follow. I wish you ould ive e a hane to lead Students Union and reate ore wonders for you. I wish you ould ake a riht deision.

Student body President eletion speeh(三)

sine i ae to the ollee, i have been holdin positions of lass and youth leaue union. i also have done soe praati work for the university and our shoolates. durin the ouniation with our shoolates, i feel it deep that the ohesion of a unit lies in a developin and advanin olletive, while the strenth for it oes fro sinerity, understandin and ontributions. as a leader of student, one should have a fir belief with sarifie. as a leader of student, one should be willin to ake up the ap between an and an, idea and reality with his fiere feelins. as a leader of student, one should not be selfish. what he seeks for is to work hard and ive hiself up to the servie.

i, as one of the thousands of students of eonoy ollee, a proud of it. i would be ore willin to take up the duty belonin to e. this is y initial hope. this is why i a standin here today.

i reeber one andidate hiself said loudly, should i leave the position quietly or be bold to stay? durin the last opetition for student union. as a result, he was bold to stay for the position. to day, i would like to let everyone know that i hope that i will be kept for the position. even thouh i fail, i wont leave quietly and anrily out of spite beause i a a eber of eonoy ollee, and beause y roots are in the ei apus.

no ater where i o, ei apus always stays with e and y deep feelins to it always keeps in e. i would like to work heart and soul, for y love of ei apus. i earnestly hope to ontribute y feelins and fervently hope to share the happiness and be onerned about the worries with every one of ei apus.
