

2024-06-08 22:58:01演讲稿

i a honored extreely stand in here for everybody leture!

we all knew that, now the world all is sufferin the finanial risis, and any fatories all already went out of business the bankrupty, this also eant ould have any people to fae is oin off sentry duty.

perhaps in shool we reardin this realied is not very bi, however we soon fae the raduation, also eant ust look for the work.

already soe people oented: the next several year university raduate, the raduation also on eant uneployent! althouh i not like this believed, but i still felt we should have one kind of risis feelin, by faes the worst possible ourrene.

therefore, also annot aain ontinue to waste in the university period tie, that already was ay not obtain extreely! therefore i hoped shoolates, all an learn own diliently speial ourse, in order to iht find fro now on ost suits own work.





