

2024-06-08 20:54:01演讲稿


ood afternoon ,ladies and entleen!

I’ very honored to stand here and ive you a short speeh! To bein with ,I want to ask a question .Does everybody drea a ood drea last niht? Atually ,today I want to talk about drea with you. f ourse, What I want to talk is not a drea you have last niht,but a drea—— about life.

Everyone has dreas about life, different dreas at different life stae,and we need dreas to support us. Dreas are like the stars we never reah in the sky,but like ost ariners(水手),we an hart our ourse by the. With the drea,we have a diretion,with a diretion, we were no loner onfused.With the drea, there is hope,With hope, we have the strenth to fiht.

But I know,life is touh,and there are always ups and downs, aybe we fail in the way to our ais,and we ay feel depressed ,whenever at this tie, the drea in our heart an always ofort us, enourae us ,and support us to ove ahead.

Youn!Fortunately, I a youn now. Just due to it, I know that nothin is ipossible.I firly believe that nothin an stand in y way.

I an't realie y drea,it result fro that I haven't work harder enouh and I won't find other exuses. If no people believe you, you an ake it to prove that you are riht. If you think the od haven't blessed you and there is no truth here, you an beoe the od and reate the truth.

"y breath swallows the sky and ake the yellow river overflow, y sword is faous in Kyushu and it an ollapse the five sared ountains." At soe tie in the past I also had a bitious words and I had soe ahieveents. Eah ahieveent results fro y hard work. I always believe that "If you want to have ore ahieveents than others, you ust work harder."

In soe extent, the drea is the hope. If you an insist on doin soethin, the vitory will oe.

Hold fast to dreas, for if dreas die, life is a broken-wined bird that annot fly. Hold fast to dreas, for when dreas o, life is a barren field froen with snow. So y dear friends,think of your old and aybe dead dreas. Whatever it is, pik it up and ake it alive fro today. Let's---ove---out!

Thank you for your listenin!


ood afternoon ,ladies and entleen!

I’ very honored to stand here and ive you a short speeh! y topi is pportunities and hallenes.

First, I would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? Happiness, wisdo, a stron body or soethin else. If I had asked this question to president Nixon, he would probably had said,”ur destiny offers not the up of despair, but the halie of opportunity.”

Needless to say, one of the biest opportunities iven to hina is the 201 lypi aes. Till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation tie. How uh hanes have you seen? New roads, new subway lines, publi-exerisin equipents with beautiful olors, lare bloks of rass fields, and also lots of odern ys whih are under onstrution.

ther than those, there are even ore ood effets brouht to us by the lypi aes that annot be seen diretly. For exaple, ore and ore people will et to know hina. I’ sure the ysterious hinese ulture will attrat the stronly. And the aes will also do ood to the eonoy and environent, for it is ainin the attention of forein investors and the awareness of environental protetion is bein strenthened. What is ore, lypi aes ive a unique opportunity to inspire and eduate a new eneration of hinese youth with the lypi values and the lypi spirit. Now that we have seen so any advanes, ould you even iaine us losin the holdin rihts?

I’ve already said a lot about the lypis and hina. But I think everyone should use soe tie to think of this question, ”Does the lypi aes have any speial eanin to you?”

For us, I ean the hinese youth, 201 lypi aes is a treendous ift. Beause what we are waitin for is to do soethin sinifiant as repayin the love iven to us .The soiety is just like a ship, and in our dreas the aptain is wavin his hand and sayin ”Hey! oe here and take the hel! ”How harin his voie is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. This ornin, however, when we wake up, we will see the lypi aes wavin its hand. After hewin, ost of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the lypi aes. And ine is to be a “oforter” ----that is soeone who will ive ofort to others.

At the end of y speeh, I hope all the preparation will o well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. Let us seie opportunities and ive a bi sile to hallenes.


ood afternoon everybody! It's y honor to speak here and I a very lad to share y topi with all of you. Today I'd like to talk about “y drea”. I do not just have one drea, in fat, I have three. They are: a healthy life, a happy faily and to travel y reat ountry.

I have always adired the lon healthy life y randparents have. They are older than 0 years of ae and they are still alive and kikin! How do they do that!? y randparents plant veetables and row rie theselves; even in their old ae they still ake food for theselves! I uess that is why they an reain healthy. ore iportantly they reain huble and never ask for too uh fro life. Perhaps that akes the oon, but they live a happy life. y randother one told e this:” I do not want to live lon, only lon enouh for soe rand hildren to be runnin around in y house”. I want to live a lon, healthy and happy life just as they have.

Sine y raduation fro priary shool, until now, every tie on y birthday I ake the sae wish. I wish y parents will not fiht anyore. I a not oplainin that they ave e a bad hildhood, they just fiht so uh! I a unhappy but that does not ean they do not love e. They do! They love e with all their heart. I love y parents also; I want the to live a happy life as well.

I want to travel this reat ountry of ours. I want to see the beauty of our ountry. I want to see the irales that ade this ountry reat! I want to o fro the east to west, fro the north all the way down to the south! I have a drea, that one day I an travel and see y ountry with y faily and friends! If that is not possible, seein y ountry on y own is ood enouh also. If I an fulfill all three of y dreas in life, then od an take e away. I would be happy, and l would have lived a full and prosperous life.

Thank you everyone for listenin to y dreas.

I thank you!
