

2024-06-08 18:48:01演讲稿

hristas Day,the 2th of Deeber,is the biest festival(节日)elebrated in the hristian ountries of the world.Althouh everyone enjoys hristas Day,it is partiularly enjoyed by hildren,who et very exited beause of the presents they know they are oin to reeive.Sall hildren believe that their presents are brouht by Father hristas(圣诞老人).Father hristas is a kind of old an who,the hildren are told,lives at the North Pole.He travels throuh the sky on a sleih(雪撬) whih is pulled by reindeers(驯鹿) and loaded with(装满) presents.Stoppin on the roof of houses,he enters by libin the hiney(烟囱).When sall hildren o to bed on hristas Eve,they han a stokin at the end of their beds.Their parents warn the not to try to look at Father hristas,or he will not leave the anythin.When they wake,they find their stokins filled with presents.hildren are very exited on hristas ornin and always wake up early.

hristas is also a faily elebration.As any ebers of the faily as possible ather to eat,play party aes and wath the speial hristas proraes on TV

圣诞节, 12月2 日, 是世界最大的节日在大家享受圣诞节.虽然, 它的基督徒国家由孩子特别享用, 由于能得到礼物他们非常激动他们知道去接受.孩子相信他们的礼物由圣诞老人带来.圣诞节是, 一老人, 生活在北部Pole.He 游遍天空在哪些由驯鹿拉着和被装满礼物的.雪撬在房子屋顶, 他攀登烟囱进入小孩子上床在圣诞前夕, 他们垂悬一只长袜在他们的beds.Their 父母的末端警告他们不设法看父亲圣诞节, 或他不会留下他们anythin.When 他们醒来, 他们发现他们的长袜用presents.hildren 被填装是非常激动在圣诞节早晨和早早总醒。

圣诞节并且是家庭elebration.As所有家庭的成员作为可能的聚集吃, 演奏聚会游戏和观看电视的特别圣诞节节目。


hristas will oeI like hristas, it is just like our Sprin Festival.

aybe the Sprin Festival is uh ore iportant and interestin than hristas, but I like hristas Day better. Beause we an spend tie with our friends and lassates durin hristas. When it is snowy,

hristas beoes uh ore lovely, just like in fairytales. I an iaine I a in a fairytale, the irl who sold the athes is y friend, the uly duk beoin ore and ore beautiful and so on. What a beautiful plae! So we an also all hristas “Snowy Lovely Day.”

n hristas Day, shops are red and reen. There are so any hristas ards, hristas hats, hristas dolls and any olourful thins. So shops look very beautiful. We an ive a ard or a doll to our friends and say “erry hristas.” By the way, I think studyin an also beoe uh ore interestin.

hristas will oe, it also eans a new year will oe. Let’s study harder to weloe the new year!


Ladies and entleen, ood evenin!

Toniht, we are eetin here to elebrate this speial, peaeful, silent and holly niht. Here and now, allow e,on behalf of all the ebers of the shool oittee, to express y hearty reards and seasonal reetins to all of you. erry hristas and Happy New Year!

And I a very lad to tell you that we have two distinuished uests fro Enland to join us toniht to elebrate this speial hristas Eve with us toether. This is beause hristas Eve has the sae eanin of safe and peae with Pin an in hinese. Just as the hinese sayin oes, “safe and peae is fortune and luk”. So I’d like to extend y best wishes of fortune and luk to everyone here and those you love as well as those who are now still workin in their posts.

hristas is a tie to ive thanks, so let’s ive our hearty thanks to our parents, our teahers, those around us as well as our reat otherland with our sinerity, loyalty, intelliene and diliene.

y dear boys and irls, the id-ter exaination is over, and all the students in our shool did very well this tie. Sine the exaination, any students are workin harder than ever before, and they are beoin ore ative in lass. Espeially throuh Enlish orner, they’re ettin to understand the iportane of learnin Enlish. eanwhile, I hope every student in our shooll will take an ative part in learnin Enlish and usin Enlish, and enjoy Enlish.

Here and now, I’d like to say thank you very uh to those who have tried their best to have oranied the hristas Eve.

This speial hristas Eve will ertainly brin us pleasure and enjoyent, lauhter and passion, ass well as applause.

To onlude y speeh, I wish everyone here will enjoy the perforanes and have a very ood tie toniht. And I sinerely wish a erry hristas and happy New Year to you aain.
