

2023-04-26 05:30:01演讲稿

needless to say, oney is not very iportant, but very very iportant.

if there is no oney, i an’t use this irophone to speak to you and we an’t have suh a roo to hold suh a opetition. without oney, we an’t study in suh a shoolyard. without oney, we an’t live in suh a hoetown. without oney, we an’t have suh a otherland. on the other hand, if there is no oney, you don’t need to bear y speeh about oney now.

ost of us have dreas about the future, dreas of havin a ood job and akin uh oney. surely soeone has thouht at ties “if only i had a lot of oney, i ould be the happiest person in the world.” in fat it’s the ain istake that people ake about oney.

however, is oney the road to happiness? not really! any people work every day, work overtie, work weekends to ake a lot of oney. are they happy? no. they are too busy akin oney. eanwhile, their personal lives, if they have any, fall apart. they have no tie to for or to aintain friendship. they even lose the abilities to relax and to enjoy theselves. enjoyin eans takin thins, takin tie to see, to hear, to taste, to sell, to feel. they do not take tie to do this. they say: “i’ll do it when i have enouh oney to retire” then they find that it is too late. why we usually ake suh a istake and even ore istakes? ativists say it is beause of oney itself. they think oney has haned any thins. for exaple, they think oney has haned our way to easure soeone’s value in the soiety. they even reard oney as the soure of evil. also, they hate oney, but they are wron, opletely wron.

in y opinion, it is unfair to oney. oney is a tool. well, there’s no denyin that we do soethin harful with oney. but we an’t say oney is the soure of evil. just like a haer, we an use a haer to kill soeone, but an we say a haer is a devil? it is the sae with oney.

oney is neither ood nor bad itself. it is a irror, a perfet and iportant irror, and a irror that reflets both the darkness and the brilliane of huanity. in other words, all depend on us.

so, y fellow students, ladies and entleen in the future, ask not what we an do for oney, ask what oney an do for us, ask what oney an do to show the brilliane of huanity. beause, we have the future; we are the future.




我们大多数人都对未来的梦想,梦想有一个良好的工作和决策的钱。当然有人认为,有时“如果我有很多钱,我可能是最幸福的人在世界上。 ”事实上,它的主要错误,人们作出关于金钱。

然而,就是金钱的道路上幸福吗?不是真的!很多人每天上班,加班,工作周末作出了很多钱。他们是幸福吗?第他们太忙着赚钱。与此同时,他们的个人生活,如果他们有任何,四分五裂。他们已经没有时间去形式或保持友谊。他们甚至失去了能力的放松和享受。享受意味着外,抽空看到,听到,品尝,嗅觉,感觉。他们并不需要时间来做到这一点。他们说: “我会做到这一点,我有足够的钱退休” ,然后他们发现为时已晚。为什么我们通常会提出这样的错误,甚至更多的错误?活动人士说,这是因为金钱本身。他们认为,金钱改变了很多东西。例如,他们认为金钱改变了我们的方法来衡量人的价值在社会中。他们甚至把钱的来源邪恶。此外,他们憎恨金钱,但他们是错误的,完全错误的。



