
2023年英语自我介绍简短 英语自我介绍模板

2023-03-14 16:35:02实习周记



y nae is xx I was 1x years old.y hobby is widespread,suh as readin,listenin to usi, playin basketball.I a youn,briht,enereti with stron study-abition.I hy future is to be a teaher.I hope I an ake ore hildren aquire knowlede


Hello, everyone!y hinese nae is XXX.

I a very lad to join you in this lass. I just raduated fro senior hih shool. I like Britain very uh, so if I ould study in Britain one day, I would be very happy. But y Enlish is not very ood now. So I'd like to iprove y Enlish in this lass.

And very lad to see our teaher rXXX/rsXXX . Thank you.


ood afternoon, teaher very happy to introdue y y hinee iy.

So I` very a nauhty boy.

I al/

And I y favourite olour iath beary Shool.

I have any hobbieinton, liuaainey.

So I` very a nauhty boy.

I alway and readin book, I want to be a ar-de a ar fan.


pleaeber Suniuh!


Hello! y nae is hen Danqin. y Enlish nae is Joy. I 14 years old. I a happy irl. I have a happy faily. y father and y other are both offie workers. Theyre busy. But at weekends, they always ook nie food for e. I happy in the faily. I love y parents and they love e very uh.

I a student at Donhou iddle Shool. It is very bi and beautiful. There are any lassroo buildins and offie buildins. Besides the buildins, there is a bi playround. After shool, there are lots of boys playin basketball on it. I think they are happy. There are a lot of flowers and trees in y shool. They are beautiful. I like y shool. In y shool, I have any friends. All y friends are polite and helpful. y friends are all nie to e. They an ake e happy. So I like playin with the.

y hobbies are listenin to usi and readin. I like pop usi very uh. I dislike sports beause I not stron. Its hard for e.

I have a happy faily, a beautiful shool and any nie friends. I enjoy every day.


Hello, everyone! y nae is__and y Enlish nae is. I’ 1 years old. I’ a student in a very beautiful shool alled Lianbin iddle Shool and I a in lass 1 rade 7. y hoetown Lianbin is also a beautiful town.

I’ very happy and I like to ake friends with others. I also like sinin but travelin is y favorite, I have been to any interestin plaes in hina but I haven’t been to other ountries. What a pity!

At shool, I study hinese,ath, Enlish, history, politis and so on. I like all of the. I often help y teaher take are of y lass and I think I a a ood helper. I live with y parents and we o hoe on tie every day.

When I a at hoe, I often help y other do soe housework and y other said I a a ood helper, too. y other is a uts hair very is people like her. she often teahes e the way of learnin well, if you want to learn Enlish well, here is soe of y advie. At first , you ust read any artiles and know any words, if you eet up with soe new words, you an look the up in the ditionary, you should know their eanins, how to read the and spell the. If you keep workin hard, you will be suessful. Then, you ouht to speak Enlish as uh as possible. Reeber an old sayin, Nothin is ipossible in the world if you put your heart into it. That’s all, thank you.


Hello,y ane is wen. I a fourteen years old. I one fro Quanhou. I a a ood students. I a in No.1 hih shool. I a a tell boy. I have a wide outh,bi eyes,short hair and sall ear.I a in a white T-shirt and a blak pants. y favorite ator is houXinhi. Thank you.


y nae is ... I was 1x years old.I a a senior hih shool student.I a ood at surfin hobby is widespread,suh as readin,listenin to usi, playin basketball.I a youn,briht,enereti with stron study-abition.I have ood presentation skills and positive ative ind future is to be a teaher.I hope I an ake ore hildren aquire knowlede


I a very happy to introdue yself here.I Nankai University and ajored in International Trade. I like usi and reain books,espeially eonoial books. It is y honor to apply this job.hank you very uh

it is y reat pleasure to introdue yself.i is.

i a lad that i an take part in this interviepany to realie y drea. please ive y a hane. Thank you.


y nae is Liu yan. I` a thirteen-year-old boy. I` a student of lass Four, rade Seven in the No.3 iddle shool fro Luo yan . y study is well. I` tall and stron. I` a dilient boy.

I study hard at all y lessons. y drea is to be a knowledeable an. I know it`s very hard. The way is very lon. But I will try y best to do it well. And I belive yself. I have any hobies. They are readin, runnin, swiin, playin, basketball, libin and playin table tennis. Everyday I all need soe tie to readin.

n Saturdays I play basketball or play table tennis with y friends. In y free tie, soeties I help y other with housework or do what I want to do. I have a olorful life!


I have spent fifteen years in y life. So, this is y ninth year to study. By the way, y nae is WenJinru. y father thouht hard about y nae. He onsulted the ditionary two ties to find how to nae e. f ourse, this nae is very ood and I like it very uh.


Soeties I think I a a little strane. Beause I often think the world isn’t full of happiness. And I want to be different fro others. I hate superfiial people. But always I a very out-oin and kind to others. I an’t say ‘no’ to others. So I don’t know how to refuse.

I an’t see I a a pretty irl, but I a not an uly person, either. I a very eneral. I an’t say too uh about y appearane.

In this ter, I ake a little proress in y study. In y life, I have y parents’ love, and any, any people’s love. I a happy. I ahieved so uh, and I also lost so uh.

y star sin is Aquarius. It represents kindness and wisdo. But I don’t think I a suh a lever person. aybe I a odest. Aquarius has any friends. It also says that soe people think I a strane beause I hate to be like others. I try to do everythin differently.

I like yellow the ost. Yellow is the olor of the sun, it an reind e of a war, sunny day. Yellow is also the olor of wisdo. And I like it beause it is one of the olors that are vivid.

f ourse, ost students have probles in their study. I don’t know how to ake proress. I think I should work harder. That is the only way.

I like readin very uh. y favorite writer is uoJinin. And now I a readin a book alled ‘one with Wind’. I keep readin half an hour every day.

I like Enlish and hinese best. I want to establish an Enlish lub. I want everyone to speak Enlish in the daily life.

All above are y real thins. I hope everyone will like e.
