

2022-11-25 23:35:01会计实习周记



I have been told by r.John L.Pak,redit anaer, The Business Book Publishin,New York, with who I believe you are aquainted,that you are expetin to ake soe additions to your aountin staff in June.I should like to be onsidered an appliant for one of these positions.

You an see fro the data sheet that is enlosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experiene in the book business.The opanies for whih I have worked have iven e perission to refer you to the for inforation about the quality of the work I did while in their eploy.

y work was in the redit departent and in the aountin departent in both opanies,with soe experiene also in inventory ontrol. In both positions,I have been assined with the daily offie adinistration.The ourses taken at entral oerial and the Bronx ounity ollee speifially prepare e for doin the aountin required in your departent.

I hope that you will ive e an interview at soe tie onvenient to you.If there is further inforation that you wish in the eantie,please let e know.I an always be reahed at the address iven at the beinnin of this letter.

Very truly yours,






